Ascending And Living In Our Unfolding 5th Dimensional World

The focus of this group is sharing...sharing our visions of the new 5th dimensional world we are all helping create with our spiritual practices...and also sharing our experiences of our journey in our spiritual life, ascension, and in creating our new world.

My vision is to create a world where everyone is living in peace and joy and abundance with all of humanity having realized and embodied their Divine Self.

So feel free to share, and a convenient link to do that is:

So feel free to share with posts, comments, etc.

Infinite Blessings of the Creator's Love & Energies of Unity Consciousness & Crystalline Rainbow Light with ever-unfolding Enlightenment, & Violet Flames, & Blessings of Divine Healing, Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are Divinely Perfect for Each of You in Every Moment !

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  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Moojibaba shares a very powerful and simple daily practice that brings us into the heart of being. Many people around the world have incorporated this exercise into their daily lives and are testifying to the immense fruits of this new call for commitment and dedication to Self-discovery.

    “I want you to sit and just be aware of your sense of being, just the sense of ‘I am.’ However often the mind comes, it’s ok—don’t fight, just come back to awareness.

    Even if you felt you did not succeed, you will feel a difference. There is a power in learning to observe with detachment, even if you think you fail, just do it! This exercise is going to change your life, but only if you persist. This is the greatest gift you are giving to yourself, ever.” 28 October 2023

  • Steve Hutchinson


    Melanie Beckler:

    The November Full Moon offers a powerful point for you to reclaim your power and step into living in greater Truth and authenticity. It's also potentially got a volatile energy. Are you ready for it?

    Learn more about How to Tap Into the Power of the Full Moon here:

    Then... For even more support making the most of this time... Check out these videos next: How to Let Go:

    Violet Flame Meditation - Instant Energy Shift! ✨💜🔥

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson



    This is the recording of our live monthly zoom session where we explored the powerful movement of Unity of ourselves as Humans, Souls and Source with the weaving ourselves in the multiple dimensions that we exist within that are supporting the evolution of our consciousness right now!
    We also tuned into the trust and surrender that opens up the powerful space that you can enter and be in the vastness of our infinite potential, for this is what is integrating and opening up for us individually and collectively!
    We had a powerful meditation that brought so much radiant love and unification! Enjoy!
    If you would like to connect more with me, you can do so here Also, see links to gift for this experience together :-) To connect more and receive Energy Updates, Meditations, Events subscribe here
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Melanie Beckler:
    Let's join together on 12/12 to tune into the infusion of Cosmic Consciousness and Diamond Christ Light available now!
    In this group meditation, Archangel Michael will be our guide as we embrace the higher light and Divine Consciousness, allowing and receiving a potent recharge for your entire multidimensional being.
    Cleanse, reset and recharge your vitality with life force energy and light to step into the New You empowered and open to the highest Divine possibilities available.
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    When your heart is where you live and where you focus, you can easily love everything. You can love the world, beloved ones, with no attachment, for you are full to overflowing with the blessings of Love, illumined as the heart of God and living each moment in ecstasy, loving the world unconditionally, that the vibration of Love might easily dissolve the dream of anything other than Love, that every moment might be a conversation of the heart of Love worth everything.

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson



    It has been revealed that the New Earth, the Golden Age, will involve the merging of 4 golden timelines of Atlantis, Lemuria, Avalon, and Shambhala.


    You play a part in the merging of these 4 golden timelines and assisting the collective in raising their vibrations to enter the New Earth, the Golden Age.

  • Steve Hutchinson


    Divine Wave of Light Meditation By

    Melanie Beckler

    In this group meditation, Archangel Michael will be our guide as we embrace the higher light and Divine Consciousness, allowing and receiving a potent recharge for your entire multidimensional being.


    Cleanse, reset and recharge your vitality with life force energy and light to step into the New You empowered and open to the highest Divine possibilities available.

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    The whales and dolphins are sacred guardians of the lost wisdom of lemuria

    Their song flooded the earth once more from the gateway in Exmouth WA it was a special moment in time and truly a beautiful earth walking journey

    They are singing me to return for a collective 3 morning quest
    I don’t know why
    I don’t what
    I don’t know exactly when
    but as always I show up in innocence and trust that the information will be given as long as we lead with our hearts

  • Steve Hutchinson




    Solara An-Ra:
    A solstice gift for you dear Light Tribe! You must know where North is when you do this meditation, and sit facing North.
    MAKING HOME means orientating yourself to the place where you are on Gaia. It is one of the most powerful practices you can develop for your physical, mental and emotional balance!
    Wherever you are in the world, you can connect vertically into the Core Crystal and the Great Central Sun - and then to the North, South, West and East.
    This practice overcomes ascension symptoms, recharges your body, brings all 4 aspects of you into coherence - body, emotions, mind and Spirit.
    The Time Is Now! with Love Love Love, your sis-star in the Light, Solara An-Ra :)
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Moojibaba offers this powerful message for Christmas: say “Yes!” to God inside your heart, and with sincerity, ask for help.

    In this spirit of humility and surrender, everything is possible. Mooji shares how this attitude of consciously inviting God’s help, combined with the recent sitting exercise he has been sharing with us, is the most powerful way to transcend ego.

    May this powerful message of awakening reach all who are in search of true and lasting happiness. Merry Christmas!

    The simple exercise Mooji refers to is found in his video: "A Commitment To Self Discovery" -


  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson


    Steve Nobel:

    In this meditation we open the chakra system within the body and then the Earth-Star chakra beneath the feet.

    We cleanse all ancestral energies and energise the chakra within the Crystalline Grid.

    Next we open the Soul-Star chakra and cleanse any Akashic energies that can be cleared. Finally, we download all helpful gifts and abilities that are ready to be downloaded into the crown chakra.

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Giving & Receiving - Breath Of Fire Meditation

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson



    Let yourself enjoy this new recording of our free zoom session we hold once a month. On Monday Jan 2nd, we created a potent field of Unity from what we have traversed, shifted, embodied this past year, with what we are becoming and what is ahead in the New Year.
    We spoke about the current energetics and what is happening with the shifts in our cosmology and Mastery!
    In our meditation we weaved the symmetry of all that is with the Now to step into the strength of the fluidity of life. We acknowledged all that still needed to be let go of with what we know we want to create and what is coming while letting the pressure go and do anything so we can be Present allowing the Divinity of Life to flow through us guided in great clarity.
    Very peaceful connection!!
  • Steve Hutchinson



    Close your eyes and listen, not with ears, but with the core of your being. Transcendental Rhythms are the mantras of the cosmos, resonating through the stillness of your soul.


    In the quietude, find the sacred space where the music of the spheres unfolds. Let each note be a guide, leading you to the inner sanctum, where the eternal sound of existence reverberates in silent harmony 💛

  • Steve Hutchinson




    What we have believed and allowed to govern all our lives will very soon collapse - economic, societal, and governmental structures. There's nothing to fear as it is the very cycle of life - death and rebirth.
    However, there IS fear. We can see and sense it in the collective field. What we've believed to be true our entire lives will be/have been challenged, and it is normal for human beings to feel fear.
    This revelation is not to instill more fear - but rather it is an attempt to create the awareness that this is a fact and the cycle of life. Just like how we all die at some point, planet Earth and the galaxy have their own cycles as well.
    We (you) are being given this information because we (you) are part of the group that volunteered and agreed to be here to assist in establishing the field and supporting the rest of the people as this mass collapse and awakening happens. You are being prepared.
  • Steve Hutchinson



    The Perfect Self & Presence of God Is Already Within You


    Nikki sits down with spiritual teacher, Moojibaba, to share her journey through Atma Vichara/self-inquiry and Love. Mooji then walks her (which means 'you'!) through The Invitation, a series of simple questions meant to immediately dissolve the one seeking answers, seeking more, seeking 'next'.
    He says,
    "I feel that all beings are destined to wake up, to find God", and that, "in everyone, the Perfect Self is there, already. It cannot be improved upon. It needs only be discovered." And in this episode, you'll do just that, abiding as That, eternally.
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson