The Power of the Divine Feminine

POWER is an attribute of the Feminine - let us claim back the Power of LOVE, the Power of Free Speech, the Power of Self-Esteem, the Power of the GODDESS!
  • Ana Antaka

    Thank you, Sonya. It is a privilege to join you on this particular journey.
  • Myriel RAouine

    WELCOME to this most awsome quest, dear Ana Antaka!

    Thank you all for joining together: SHE is with us :-)
  • Myriel RAouine

  • Cindy

    "Wow!" Thank you for all this wonderful knowledge Sonja, you wanna bet I'll be back. Been busy doing yard work and house cleaning today and tomorrow we will be having company.

  • Myriel RAouine

    Yeah, I' also pretty busy - seems like the energies are really going outward now after a pretty long period - or so it seems to me - of internal work - LOL!

    Thank you for your continual support and heads up, dear Cindy!

    LOVE YOU :-)

    Sonja Myriel

  • dirk hertveldt

    Thank YOU for Journey to Elysis and Persephone
    Queen of UnderWorld Queen of Resurrection
  • Myriel RAouine

    Thank you, dirk, for the poem by Sonja and her information on the tradition of the Pomegranate in Greece!

    Here's what Sonja wrote on that for everyone else to read as well:

    Dirk, Thank you so very much for the pommegrenade :o) did you know that in Greece there is nopt a House without this Symbol? We offer it a lot for Christmas and New Year, and we usely stand in front of the Front dor and through it onto the floor, it has to break so your House can fill with the Blessingsa of the Grennade.It is a symbol of Life and Wealth. It is also related to death in some regions of greece.

    AthenaPersephone is called Persephonie , Demeter Dimitra, Pommegrenade Rodi (with a delta) and Hades, Hadis.


    And this is her most inspiring poem:

    The Sun of Righteousness will Arise
    with healing in his wings.
    Avatar, Ambassador step in,

    This kingdom proclaimed, AMEN !
    My rule begins in heaven,
    My healing begins on earth.
    Millenial Reign of Christ.
    My glorious rebirth !

    To the Elysian Fields I fly.
    Arise my Son, shed forth Light !

    Pleaides power, Golden Age,
    Im about to stand up and show "The Way".
    My warmth and beauty empowers me,
    Sickness and death will cease.
    Winged globe, eternal life.
    Free from worry , fear and strife.

    Emblem of air. eastern direction,
    this body has obtained perfection

    Arise my Son, Your wings will soar.
    Towards New Jerusalem forevermore.


    And what you wrote:

    The Amazing thing is that at the time she received innerly this poem
    she nor me did not really knew anything about Elysis

    we only were connecting to the Sukkot Festival of Tabernacles
    that were at these exact same dates
    that why I was so amazed to read your blogpost on Lightgrid that mentioned these same dates

    Anyone interested in what we have been finding out, please check out the above discussion on THE DIVINE MOTHER AND THE VEIL OF DEATH ...

  • Myriel RAouine

    Hi Monica, I didn't know you create videos!

    Astonishing :-) Thank you so much for posting!


    Sonja Myriel
  • Myriel RAouine

    Upon watching the video I noted that Hades was not one of Aphrodite's consorts - lol!
  • Cindy

  • Myriel RAouine

    Beautiful picture, Cindy, thank you!
  • dirk hertveldt

    wow sonja
    wonderful you shared sonja 's poem
    here as a comment
    THANK you

    the information of Greek Still holding
    Pomegranata tradition in their hearts

    and greek names is from my greek friend
    of Federation of Light community
  • Myriel RAouine

    And so it is - Sacred Sisterhood BLESSINGS to you, Monica :-)

    Sonja Myriel

  • Myriel RAouine

    What a beautiful poem and video, Monica! Thank you for sharing :-)

  • Myriel RAouine

    Param Gian Kathryn shared this picture in a discussion on the Elohim and it immediately reminded me of the Devine Feminine Aspect of Creation. With her consent I post it now here and say THANK YOU :-)


  • Cindy

    "The Devi declares that prior to creation, She is the only existent entity, the one supreme Brahman and is pure consciousness."

    The Devi Gita is the final and best-known portion of the vast 11th-century scripture known as the Devi Bhagavata Purana, a text exclusively dedicated to the Devi "in her highest iconic mode, as the supreme World-Mother Bhuvaneshvari, beyond birth, beyond marriage, beyond any possible subordination to Shiva." Indeed, the Purana's "most significant contribution to the Shakta theological tradition is the ideal of a Goddess both single and benign."

    In the Devi Gita the Devi proceeds to describe her essential forms. The Devi declares that prior to creation, She is the only existent entity, the one supreme Brahman and is pure consciousness. The Devi Gita is clear about salvation and attainment of eternal life: “Even when a person performs bhakti, knowledge need not arise. He will go to the Devi's Island. Till the complete knowledge in the form of my consciousness arises, there is no liberation.”

    Hinduism: A Short Introduction by Klaus Klostermaier
    Devi “is the origin of the universe, the resort of all, the primordial prakrti.” She is the “supreme vidya (knowledge) which is the cause of liberation.”

    "The Devimahatmya refers to two different traditions regarding the origin of the Great Goddess: in the first Devi is explained as the Mahanidra of Visnu embodied as the universe, eternal, incarnated in many forms. She is “drawing herself out from the eyes and the various organs and limbs” of Visnu: when Great Sleep leaves Visnu, he awakens. In this form she is the great creator: she creates the entire universe, she is the cause of bondage and transmigration, the cause of final liberation too. She is both fierce and auspicious: she gives to mankind boons for their final liberation.

    The second account of Devi's origin has a different ring and seems to be the older one. It not only mentions the Vedic gods but it is somehow reminiscent of the Indra-Vrtra myth—the fight of the High God against the demon usurper, who has conquered the gods and assumed the place of Indra. Devi here is no longer the prakrti of Visnu but the essence of all the gods, “godhead” in a concrete sense. She surpasses all the individual gods in power and glory because in her all the qualities of the gods are embodied...

    Thus the salvation of gods and men has been accomplished, and Devi receives praise from all the devas. In the cause of this prayer all the essential qualities of the Devi are mentioned, and the basic Devi philosophy comes to the fore: Devi “is the origin of the universe, the resort of all, the primordial prakrti.” She is the “supreme vidya (knowledge) which is the cause of liberation.” She is “durga, the boat that carries men across the difficult ocean of worldly existence,” she is “Sri who has taken her abode in the heart of Visnu,” and she is “Gauri, who has established herself with Siva”. Devi offers a boon, and the devas choose the following: “Whenever we think of you again, destroy our direst calamities.”...

    Devi-avataras are also found in the Puranas. They have the same function which Vainavas ascribe to Visnu-avataras, namely to protect the world in successive ages from demons and other evil. This theory also helps to explain the numerous goddesses as manifestations of One Supreme Goddess: “Bhavani is worshipped by the gods in all her repeated incarnations. She always kills demons by incarnating herself on earth and she protects all creation in heaven, earth and the nether world...”

    She explains her own nature according to Advaita: “I and Brahman are one.”...

    The Goddess is the great Sakti. She is Maya, for of her the maya which produces the samsara is. As Lord of Maya she is Mahamaya. Devi is avidya because she binds, and vidya because she liberates and destroys the samsara. She is praktri and as existing before creation is the Adya Sakti. Devi is the Vacaka Sakti, the manifestation of Cit in Praktri, and the Vicya Sakti or Cit itself. The Atma should be contemplated as Devi. Sakti or Devi is thus the Brahman revealed in the mother aspect (Srimata) as creatrix and nourisher of the worlds. Kali says of herself in Yogini Tantra: “I am the bodily form of Saccidananda and I am the brahman that has emanated from brahman.” "

    K. K. Klostermaier, Hinduism: A Short History
    Oneworld Pub., 2000, p. 200-211.

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Myriel RAouine

    Transfoming the Female Wounded Warrior to the Divine Goddess


  • Myriel RAouine

  • Wolf

    Hello everyone<3

    Sonja asked me take part of the Divine Feminine discusion about the sexual energy. I hope i am at the right place, but i feel comfortable here:-)

    Nice to  share my inner-friend with you all.

    Some time ago i went to travell through Holland, just like that. I took a train and after some time i felt it must be fun to visit the Hague(Den Haag).

    It was already years ago i visited that place. You must know i like to travell on my intuition, my heart shows me the way(lol). Walking through the streets of the Hague, i suddenly  saw a beautifull shop, with countless images of my inner friend the Boeddha. I went inside and a gentle salesman tried to overhaule me to sell something of his stuff. But i gave him my Love and went on again(lol) I told him i loved his shop and that was more than selling something from him, i felt.

    After a while i found a bookshop, i went inside and found a book about sexual energy. You must know i always struggled with sexuality. This book, from David Staume, could be the answer to all my problems, i felt with my  sexuality. I read it on the cover of the book. So many books these days  tell you they have 'the answer' to all daily problems, as you all will know my friends. But this book felt different  somehow, and it was cheap (lol) so i bought it. Now i recommend it to you all to read it.


    I quote a small portion of the book, told in my own words: "We can also aim to fulfill our sexual energy to send up such a tree does in the air and light. The principle is important here is not detail. the principle is that our sexual energy - changed and improved as selfless love - at a high ideal to send. Our sexual energy needs of our steps and go up to something greater than ourselves. Personal advantage plays in any role..

    Now we have to find a way in this. Let me know what you think about this!

    Love and Lights



  • Myriel RAouine

    Hm - I have some difficulty in understanding your quote - but I know that our sexual energy is the primordial energy of CREATION - and that it is wise not to simply release it in lust - but to connect to the higher principle of LOVE.

    The Divine Feminine Principle and Wisdom of the Goddess is needed to refine human sexuality! The re-membered wisdom of the PRIESTESS ...


    This is not only true for women - having access to the feeling nature of the Goddess, Her ability to accept and RECEIVE is an important characteristic if we want to enjoy sexuality - also for men! To awaken the GODDESS WithiN is the goal for men and women - and this Healing will result in an increased ability to enjoy sexuality as we move from lust to LOVE - and learn to direct the energy which is being released towards the goals we wish to manifest. 

    Think of the beauty of your LOVE which connects you to your partner when you are together and your love will multiply and enfold in beautiful ways :-)




    Thank you for initiating this important discussion, Wolf,


    Sonja Myriel 

  • Myriel RAouine

    Thank you, Monika, I've added the video to the introduction to the group:-)




    Sonja MYriel




    Thank you for your welcome.

    Love and Light. Janet

  • Myriel RAouine


    The Beauty of a Woman - The Beauty of a Goddess ...

  • Myriel RAouine

    THANKS to FRANK who sent me this one :-)


    Lady Gaga -- Born This Way - MyVideo Österreich

  • Myriel RAouine

    Ah, dear Monika, What IS a Goddess? LOL!!!

    YOU are my beautiful Goddess in whose eyes I see myself :-)

    Thank you for the beautiful video - I will connect to you this weekend from the pond and cottage,

    Sonja Myriel Aouine

  • Cindy

    What is a Goddess, as simply put together as the vid was I thought it was awesome and relayed the message well. Aquarius, the era of the Sacred Feminine, that's where we are.

  • Myriel RAouine

    Yes, it truly was a BLESSED weekend :-)

    I realized that the keay to remembrance is FREQUENCY - and it's not the first time I encountered that truth - lol!

    I experienced FIRE and ICE ... ok, here are two pictures - interestingly enough, the fire pictures show intense VIOLET LIGHT on my mobile's display - but scarcly any is visible on the fotos!

    Actually, there was so much violet in our fire, I thanked Babaji from the bottom of my heart for the realization that his NATURE, SHIVA - and the Violet Ray are of the same essence ... and I only realized this during this weekend ... can you imagine?

    February 5th is a date for celebration - as well as February 14th, the day Babaji died in 1984 in order to give his body to Mother Earth ...

    You are in my HEART - as I AM in YOURS,

    Sonja Myriel Aouine

  • Cindy

    Love the video Don't Forget, That's my kind of world. 

  • Cindy

    Thanks for sharing Monika

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Myriel RAouine

    Thank you so much for this beautiful video and the tree picture which represents pure UNITY to me ...!

    Yes - so much of this song reminds me of childhood - and this weekend brought much of it up ... You see Nadja and Thimo on the 2nd picture of the slide show ... your video music goes fabulously with the slides :-)))

    So you know Babaji, Monika? Gorgeous :-)))

    I am learning so much, so much ... about the PRESENCE of the Divine on Earth ... and our role in all this!

    BLESSINGS of Heart Felt LOVE, dear Monika,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Myriel RAouine

    The Tree of Creation ... makes me think of Kabbalah :-)

    What exactly is your project?

    Concerning the picture of Thimo and Nadja you are correct - a Violet guardian angel accompanies them, lol!

    It has finally grown cold here in Austria as well - although we still do not have any snow here where I live! In the West they have 2 - 3 meters of snow - as huge as a house! But here in the East there is none ... but they say it will come this week :-)))

    Today the sun is shining - and I will go out with the kids in half an hour :-)))

    I will hug a tree and think of you - and of you, Cindy, as well!

    Thank you for being,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Myriel RAouine

    Gabriel, Pallas Athena and Merling - what a combination :-)))

    I am very much looking forward to learning more when you have finished, dear sister,

    Sonja Myriel Aouine

  • ayana

  • Bilal Horus