Etheric Retreats, Ascension Seats, Sacred Sites, Underground Cities, Temples of Light, Ley Lines and more

Let us compile information on Special Places here on Earth of whatever dimension to bring as many parts of the jigsaw together as possible! Information on Shamballah, Telos, Lake Titicaca, Machu Picchu, Stonehenge and so on and so on and so on ...

  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear Sonja,
    I love this Group .......
    Thanks ..

  • Myriel RAouine

    Thank you for the beautiful picture and WELCOME to the GROUP :-)
  • CrystaLin Joy

    Thank YOU, Dear Sonja, for this Auspicious Group! I have more to share as soon as I finish prepping for Ceremony 10-10-10. Reno has a powerful group that has Work to do! :-) With Infinite Living Love & Light, CrystaLin Joy [Crystalline JOY Connection... :-), :-), 0:-)) ]
  • Myriel RAouine

    I'm looking forward to your sharings :-)
  • Angel~a

    I would love to be able to go to Mt.Shasta(visualizing) beautiful!:)
  • Myriel RAouine

    Here it is :-)

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Hanne Hansen

    Photos are amazing!!! Takes my breathe away
  • Angel~a

    So Beautiful.........makes me want to cry!It's unreal ....the clouds ....evrything!Thank You Sonja!
  • Cindy

    There are some prety spectacular mountains here in BC but I can't say I ever saw any cloud formations like that before.

    We can see this mountain from our back yard. Mount Backer is a dormant volcanoe

  • Myriel RAouine

    Well, these clouds are more than clouds ... Actually I use to see more and more of these - lol!

    They are pure energy clouds, and mostly only visible for short period of times, but again and again.

    Love and Light,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Angel~a

    e are starting to see these clouds all over the world!Very Beautiful!
  • Jeri VanDyke - ReikiLady

    Hi, I am sharing here. This one below is my dragon. I was surfing the net and had a feeling to go out. I for some odd reason grabbed my camera... Once out side I could see why...

    After the sun went down. Dragon/Seahorse changed colors.

    These others was the earlier that day..

    I would add more but dont want to take over.
    I deeply and divinely love you.
  • Jeri VanDyke - ReikiLady

    Thank you Param, very kind words. I appreciate it.
  • Myriel RAouine

    Most beautiful pictures, Jeri, thank you!

    Have you ever seen a rainbow at sunset amidst a most cloudy sky? I took he following pictures at about two months ago:

    The pictures below were taken at the same time in the other direction where the sun was setting ...

  • Myriel RAouine

    Ah you have inspired me, dear Jeri :-)

    At about two weeks earlier, before I took the photos below, I got the opportunity to take the following ones:

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Myriel RAouine

    All these pictures were taken from around my house :-)
  • Myriel RAouine

    Thank you, Kathryn :-)

    I like your phrasing about the awsomely beautiful Deva Beings of the Sky - it inspires me to look up at the sky even more from now on and really observe the LIVING Deva Cloud Beings there!


    Sonja Myriel

    PS.: I have read that the Maya think that the winds are generated by the trees who absorb the energy of the sun ...
  • Jeri VanDyke - ReikiLady

    Hi, thank you all for your kind words. I was awake sittin outside and saw a beautiful rainbow that was huge and you could see clearly all the colors in it. I ran in to house to grab camera and it was gone.
    I need to learn to take camera out with me at all times...
    Here are some more pics of that day I took of the dragon/seahorse. Scenic...

    I deeply and divinely love you all.
  • Jeri VanDyke - ReikiLady

    Everyones images are absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I loved them all.
  • Myriel RAouine

    Beautiful, Jeri :-)
  • Myriel RAouine


    Home of the Ascended Master's Royal Teton Retreat

    Home of the Cave of Symbols

    The Cave of Symbols:

    During the Transmissions (or sleep time), ask your I AM Presence, Leonora of Venus and Saint Germain to take you to the Cave of Symbols at Table Mountain in Wyoming's Grand Tetons.

    Ask to see some of the new inventions and to especially experience the Atomic Accelerator, a golden chair through which electronic currents pass through your vehicle to quicken the vibratory pattern of the atoms and electrons within the four lower bodies.

    Royal Teton Retreat:

    Wyoming's Tetons are also home to the Ascended Master Royal Teton Retreat, an important spiritual center which anchors the Flames of Illumination and the Power of the Sun for the entire planet. There is a great focus of the All Seeing Eye of God and the Elohim as the mighty streams of initiation are given to the students of Ascended Mastery.

    Ask your I AM Presence to take you there to discover many golden keys for your enlightenment.
  • Myriel RAouine

  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear Sonja,
    To day we will have to go to Grand tetons and you have posted in comments about wyomings, with Leonora of venus.....and Saint Germain...
  • Myriel RAouine

    Yes, this is referring to tomorrow - today - NEW MOON Transmissions!!!
  • ayana

    THank you SOnja...will do.

    May you all be lighted, in love amid new transitions, this night-amongst our moon hidden sky.

    Namaste Wayshowers

  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear Sonja,
    I am sorry but I could not find the difference....
    because to day is also 5th and Sunday......the 11th day !!!.