Let's HELP each other - Prayers and Energy HEALING - Requests

Post your request for HEALING - or any other matter in which you orf a beloved one need assistance - here in this group and we will send you LOVE, LIGHT and energy for healing and transmutation.

  • martha nance

  • Stasha

    I will pray for him. I also ask for healing energies. I am doing remote healings for others daily and take on so many physical side effects. Everything from negative/low energies, psychic attacks, manic brain behavior while having low to ZERO energy to accomplish daily tasks, etc. the sun sometimes can make me sick :( I need to replenish. My body is sore all of the time :(

    I am happy to return the favor, to ALL when I am well again. Now I am spinning and dizzy and feel like I am going to get sick :(

  • Stasha


  • Myriel RAouine

    Dear Stasha, 

    Take some time out and concentrate on your own Healing ... do not put the interests of others over yours!

    You can only serve others when you have first learnt to serve your-Self well and DO it ... you are WORTH it!!!

    I am sending you a light filled hug and BALANCING WHITE LIGHT, my dear, dear sister,

    Sonja Myriel Aouine

  • Myriel RAouine

    PS.: Maybe it would be a good idea to print the picture out which I posted for you below! In this way you can easily ABSORB the energy sent by me throughout the day without thinking of it and it reminds you that WE ARE always THERE FOR YOU ;-)


    and receive the HEALING sent to you now ...,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    Thank you for the invite, I would be honored to  be of assistance when it is needed as that is what I do for God and his children.

  • Stasha

    thank you sonja!~

    i printed it out!

    got very dizzy and sick to my stomach, 

    never had that before. I must lay down now as this energy is draining me out! i have this terrible taste in my mouth as well :(

  • Galina

    Thank you for invitation!

  • Myriel RAouine

    Dear Stasha,

    I was amazed that when I was sending the healing energy to you it was not only white - but rather PLATINUM!

    This is indeed very strong healing - and I had the sensation that several beings have to go now ... The MOTHER is with you, Stasha - and if you are sick, PLEASE DO NOT RESIST to VOMIT!

    Vomiting is like a cleansing - often the only possibility to get rid of certain beings - so give it ALL away today ;-)

    You are SAFE, dear Stasha, nothing can harm you!

    LOVE is surrounding you eternally ... and AA Michael is watching over you with his sword of FIRE - the sword of Truth ...

    You are being set free!

    Love and LIGHT and Platinum Light BLESSINGS, dear Stasha,


    Sonja Myriel

  • Myriel RAouine

    Shenna, your "brother" John is in my prayers! I will place  etheric crystals in his knees during lightgrid connection and fill them with the Violet Light until they start rotating. In this way the transmuting Violet Ray Energy is continually emitted. You can do the same with any area of his body that needs treatment! Just fill up the crystals again during lightgrid connections - as if you were charging batteries ;-) They dissolve when they are no longer needed, so you can place as many are needed!

    BLESSINGS of LOVE and LIGHT to you and ALL your family, dear Shenna,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    I was just reading about Stasha and I have been going through something as well, it's alot of anger and judgment just not feeling at peace with my self, is there some thing I can do about this, and a heavy feeling around my head. I hope you feel better Stasha, :):):)  I will pray for you. Love Bev

  • Stasha

    Oh guys. I just woke up from 12 hours of sleep. I missed my whole day :(

    I probably should have mentioned I have been put on medication since I was only 14 because when kids see spirits, or talk to them you are considered "crazy" Ive been in a battel of the medicines and doctors my whole life and been labeled everything from bipolar to ADHD. I have been off of my medication for about a week now, trying to clear my body of these toxins and I feel ten times worse. Plus I am sleeping so much and I am missing out on time that I should be spending with my daughter. People have no idea what it is like to be going through all of these things, on top of being an empath and a healer. I feel like I need to be put in a cocoon and have a whole new body regenerated when I wake from it. Right now my entire family are together enjoying my fathers birthday and im sitting here trying not to throw up any more. Please send me lots and lots of love and light and healing today. I really need it.


    p.s. this album cover below is really how I feel today :(

  • Stasha

    thank you dear sonja. i feel his presense and thank you to bev for your concern i hope you also are cleared from all of this "funk"

    love you all

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    Stasha, you are getting a whole new body, you are cleasning and clearing, I will wrap you in a Indigo cacoon to help you. Much Love Bev

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    Wash yourself in the shower with salt it will help cleanse and see the Golden water rinsing it all away

  • Myriel RAouine

    Dear Stasha,

    When you have taken medication for such a long time it is not really wise to skip it without any help from the outside. Please find someone who can BE with you and give you the advice and care needed! 

    Your body has grown accustomed to the substances you have continually been giving him There are ways out - but you need someone who you absolutely TRUST AND who knows what to do in such cases!

    I am wrapping you in golden indigo light, my dear, dear sister - and turquoise platinum light is surrounding you, cleansing you ... Please take Beverly's advice seriously - WATER and SALT can help you to get rid of old patterns - but do not underestimate the power of the drugs your body is used to! Go for it SLOWLY! 

    It seems to me that you are doing this for many souls ... please be wise and listen to your heart's voice. Please ASK your guides for HELP!!! 

    I know now why there was such strong Platinum Light - it is the CLEANSING you are calling forth. Crystalline White Light is surrounding you now ... take it in and RELAX into it ... find PEACE ... and in this PEACE find guidance ... Ask to be guided by the hightest light possible ... for the good of ALL ... and continue your process in a pace which does not put your health at a risk!

    I am sending you a million angels to watch over you, dear Stasha, dear precious soul!

    FORGIVE those who never knew you - because this is the only way to set yourself FREE!

    The Violet Light of FREEDOM works through FORGIVENESS ... it's time to accept things as they are - and then start anew!

    You have ALL the help you need and guidance is to be found in your HEART, Stasha - TRUST the flow of life and follow your heart's whisperings ... and please know that you can ALWAYS COUNT ON US!

    Feel the light of LOVE ... BLESSED BE, dear soul sister, I see you - and I see BEAUTY!

    Sonja Myriel Aouine

  • Myriel RAouine

    Dear Beverly, the VIOLET LIGHT is exactly what can help you to transmute all anger and judgement - surround yourself in VIOLET LIGHT and BECOME the VIOLET FLAME ... feel how all resentments are beins washed away by the FIRE of PURIFICATION ... use the etheric crystals as I described below for your own treatment as well - place them where anger and judgement have their seat - and clear your head by drinking enough water ... 

    I am sending you a Violet Ray Embrace - which you can call forth WHENEVER you wish - and as often as needed! Feel its warmth ... its cleansing effect ... and simply let go of judging your SELF ... we do what we can - did what we could - and this changes with the lessons we learn ... I BLESS YOU, dear Beverly - I BLESS YOU and YOUR FAMILY,

    BE WELL,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Stasha

    yes sonja, what you said is very important. the same family who put me on medication my whole life are the same ones who now judge me for taking the medicine they got me hooked to. I just need to go within and do what is right for myself. that is all that matters. I am going to see my doctor tomorrow who is going to try and adjust what Im taking to ween myself off it slowly. i just know i cannot ascend fully or totally heal others if I am not pure 100%. i am trying xo thank you all for your support

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    Sonja you are so beautiful, I resolved the issue, like you said the violet flame came to me as well as White Eagle and it was gone, I thank you so much, God Bless you.

  • Myriel RAouine

    Ah - what a BLESSING, dear Beverly! Thank you White Eagle :-) Thank you all Beings of the Violet Flame and Fire - Thank you Violet Ray of Forgiveness and FREEDOM :-)

    This picture was taken in yesterday's BLESSING Ceremony. Before I worked with the Initiation stones I was connecting to you, Stasha and Shenna, and Gabriel, too, asking for help and guidance in your HEALING Process :-)

    Stasha, I am so glad you have a good doctor to work with! Tell him that you would like to get off ALL and any medication - and work together with him towards the goal!

    And if you somehow doubt him - do not hesitate to councel someone else, too. Make up your own mind - and most important FEEL what is good for you and how far you can go. Step by step you will savely leave the past behind!

    The Violet Ray and Light will aid you on every step you take in this process, as it helps you release and adapt to the new quality of life!

    And please, never hesitate to ASK US FOR HELP! Whenever you need support - we are all here for each other! We can help each other, even if we have never met in person - because WE ARE CONNECTED THROUGH THE LIGHT of the ONE!

    I am sending you all a powerful Violet Ray embrace, my dear dear sisters, asking God/dess for Help and individual GUIDANCE,

    Sonja Myriel Aouine

  • Stasha

    thank you so much! i wen to see him and he has me on a smaller dosage so i can slowly ween off of it. i already feel so much better!

  • Stasha

    and yes i shower with sea salt every day, sometimes twice a day!

  • Stasha

    thank you soooo much!!

  • Stasha

    part 4 of my sacred journey:

    confronting the dark...
