little bell


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Ive been slowly putting pieces together for around 2 years, the light grid is what I most strongly resonate to, I already felt a unity conscienious at time of Tsuami after Japan quake, this feels right to me, urgent and helpful, finally taking a huge step toward life path.
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  • Myriel RAouine

    You are always WELCOME, dear siSTAR!

    Golden Light Healing

    Sonja Myriel

  • Myriel RAouine Remember that solid matter is not solid at all. Everything, on all levels, is mostly space. It is this space, even in physical objects, that is flooded with energy of divine attributes by the use of will-visualization, thought, feelings, and sensations. Then the frequencies and vibrations of infinitely tiny particles change. Whenever you wish to create changes on the physical level, remember that first comes a state of oneness, of pure being and unity with Divine Being and all creation.  Then comes will or desire, which is the spiritual FIRE electrical element, then comes thought, which is the mental AIR element, then come flowing feelings of the desired manifestation, which are the emotional WATER magnetic element, and finally the sensations of physical effects that manifest into form, which are the EARTH element. This is accomplished through Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta brainwave consciousness. The most important componant, however, is the power of divine love that is generated in the heart. To spiritualize any substance, such as oils, incense, and objects, the ability to comprehend and use the cosmic language is important.
  • Steve Hutchinson

    Little Bell, I'm delighted to welcome you to my discussion group "Ascension Now For You"... where you will find many new posts with things to learn as well as uplift you.

    Blessings of Love & Light,
