Mia Jakab Stoki AENKHIEL


Profile Information:

How did you find out about Lightgrid?
was sent here by SERAPHIEL
Have you read the information on the main page? If no, please do so after having read the next question ;-)
Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?
Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!
Greetings everyone,My mission is to become a homo-seraph,which goes beyond the ADAMIC blueprint, and so I was sent here to meet others like Me...I will wellcome all related topics, meditations and practice suggestions...:) May the True LIGHT come back this segment of the Universe XXae
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Comment Wall:

  • ayana

    Hi Maria ~

    Welcome to the Sacred space of Lightgrid ~

    Thank you for your honesty, in notifying us of your decision, to not join, in daily connection. At any given time, should you decide to connect in daily connections, let an administrator know and we will answer any questions; follow your heart's knowing.

    Congratulation's that you are aware of your Homo-Seraph aspirations; lofty and sacred is your destiny. Blessings to you and all your endeavors. Thank you, to the family of Seraphim, that you are here. Thank you ~

    There are several groups, here, that discuss and center around the angelic. Make yourself at home, join any you feel are right for you. Simply Reading discussions, is requirement free; joining is necessary for commenting and posting, for all groups. Feel free, to journey Lightgrid, sharing as you see fit.

    For any questions or concerns, you may contact myself (via message), or any of the Admin team.

    Thank you that you are and thank you that you are here Maria . May your days in Zimbabwe, mirror the beauty of your soul.

    Blessings and Joyous Light ~
  • Dev Anand

    There is a miracle called Friendship
    that dwells within the heart
    and you don't know how it happens
    or when it even starts.
    But the happiness it brings you
    always gives a special lift
    and you realize that Friendship
    is God's most precious gift.
    Thank you kindly Mia for your precious friendship.
    Best regards Dev