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Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?
Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!
I’m a painter, I am following a literary workshop and my first interest is my spiritual path. I’m guiding a meditation group here in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán.
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YES, absloutely, dearest soul! Yes - follow the voice of your heart and SHARE your wisdom!
I have been planning for a while now to write an article on the 13th Ray - which is the Synthesis of ALL Rays - and in its nature silvery WHITE ... and, yes, if I had to assign it a gender, I would say it it feminine - like the Ray of the Goddess of CREATION :-)
Some important pieces of information are still missing, though, and I cannot force the process. But as soon as I have the details I will find the time to POST on the 13th ray, too!
Prepare your students by telling them what you know about the 12 rays - step by step!
Too much information cannot be digested in this field - and it needs to be exactly the information required. But if you follow your intuition you will be perfectly guided!
Trust in the process - your presence here and our conversation are most SPECIAL - and beuatiful confirmation for both of us!!!
LOVE LIGHT BLESSINGS - united in the HEART of the ONE we ARE,
Myriel RAouine
Dearest Aída, I was shown the 13th Ray during our connection tonight - and am saking you now if this might be of importance for you?
Sonja MYriel
May 4, 2012
May 10, 2012
Myriel RAouine
YES, absloutely, dearest soul! Yes - follow the voice of your heart and SHARE your wisdom!
I have been planning for a while now to write an article on the 13th Ray - which is the Synthesis of ALL Rays - and in its nature silvery WHITE ... and, yes, if I had to assign it a gender, I would say it it feminine - like the Ray of the Goddess of CREATION :-)
Some important pieces of information are still missing, though, and I cannot force the process. But as soon as I have the details I will find the time to POST on the 13th ray, too!
Prepare your students by telling them what you know about the 12 rays - step by step!
Too much information cannot be digested in this field - and it needs to be exactly the information required. But if you follow your intuition you will be perfectly guided!
Trust in the process - your presence here and our conversation are most SPECIAL - and beuatiful confirmation for both of us!!!
LOVE LIGHT BLESSINGS - united in the HEART of the ONE we ARE,
Sonja Myriel Aouine
May 10, 2012