Ana Antaka


Salt Lake City, UT

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find out about Lightgrid?
I read a posting by St Germain
Have you read the information on the main page? If no, please do so after having read the next question ;-)
Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?
Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!
I'm a longtime traveler on the spiritual path. I had my first short flight almost 40 years ago, started astral projection 37 years ago, started reading previous lifetimes 38 years ago, began being visited by dead people, mainly to help them with the transition, 32 years ago. I've been in AA for almost 30 years. I have studied most of the world's religions. Have a seminary degree. Was a chaplain for ten years. Now I teach classes, which can produce enlightenment if they choose, to court referred clients. My life has been full of learning experiences -- mostly the hard way. But all in all, it has been a blast. I'm now 69 years old and am married to my twin soul. a Baptist Deacon who is 78. It takes a lot of love to be married to me. Life is trip!!!

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  • Angel~a

  • Joni

    keep smilen :)
  • Joni

    i looooooooooooooove u 2
  • Joni

  • Angel~a

  • Myriel RAouine

    Hi, I like your new name :-) Would you like to tell me who gave it to you?

    Love, Light an Blessings,

    Sonja Myriel
  • Myriel RAouine

    The name suits you :-) Ana Antaka ... sounds great! Now that I wrote and said it again - do you feel a connection to the planet Mintaka? Just came to my mind right now ;-)

    I hope you are well and thriving :-)

    Love and Light,

    Sonja Myriel
  • Myriel RAouine

  • Myriel RAouine

    Hi Ana Antaka :-) - Here's a link to the discussion about origination from Mintaka:

    Enjoy :-)
  • Angel~a

  • wishcard peyote

    So many places to visit :) im gonna be a busy cyber bunny xxx
  • Angel~a

  • Angel~a

  • Myriel RAouine

    Now and Always :-)
  • Angel~a

  • Angel~a

    Red Ribbon
  • Joni

    i am so happy for your miracle blessed ana!
  • Joni

    Red Ribbon
  • Joni

  • Joni

    sending peace lite and love your way....
  • Joni

    so be it sweet one <3
  • Joni

  • Joni

  • Joni

  • Joni

  • Joni

    blessingz to the new week your way <3
  • Myriel RAouine

    Joy is the transformational Power of Life - LOL!

    Sonja Myriel
  • Myriel RAouine

    In the Light of LOVE,

    Sonja Myriel
  • ayana

    YOur light speaks volumes. Thank you.


  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear Ana,
    Thanks for your support Joining the Group of Spiritual Warriors and Co-Creators.

  • Joni

    blessings of love light and peace to you and yours ana <3
  • Marek Andrzej Żarecki

  • Myriel RAouine

    There are so many people out there who do not have the possibility to switch on a computer and keep themselves informed - all they have to do is listen to their own inner guidance. Become aware of the many Beings who are surrounding you, helping you to lift the veil.

    Occasions like this one - EQUINOX and FULL MOON - are universal components. These dates have always been celebrated in various forms and manners. Realizing the BEAUTY of it all, letting the energies flow freely through you and feeling the guidance of what might still be needed on a planetary level ... maybe meet some friends and celebrate together. However you feel most comfortable.

    Do not let anyone tell you you need to attend this or that course. Follow your heart and you will encounter what you have always been looking for!

    You are Divinely BLESSED, dear Leslie, and you are on your way to Ascension and will reach your goal with perfect timing. Your soul knows the way and it is leading you - no one else!

    Love, Light and BEAUTY are surrounding you as you are an eternal Being of the Divine Source!

    Sonja Myriel
  • Myriel RAouine

    Dear Leslie,

    It was only yesterday that I read a channeling in German and it was exactly about this: YOU ARE A DIVINE BEING OF LOVE AND LIGHT and all you need to do for ascension is live a life in Peace and Harmony, helping those who are in need of help and facing your own dark sides whenever they become visible :-)

    The pure intent to be part of ASCENSION is enough! You need not even sit in front of the computer and read all we post here, lol! It's always good to know what's going on on a universla and planetary level. It's perfect when you feel the call to participate in worldwide meditations to further LOVE and PEACE and thus the light quotient on the planet, because in this way we learn to experience ourselves as truly ONE Being, which we are - but if you miss a certain date, that's perfectly ok, too. This is not a must for Ascension.


    Nothing but your own will and intention will change this simple truth.

    The soft voice of your heart is telling you all you need to know. Nothing else but following your own inner guidance is required, being true to yourself, having the courage to admit your faults and make it better the next time. That's it.
  • Myriel RAouine

    Yes. Two things. First, we can withhold our agreement every time someone tells us a storm is on the way by simply refusing to believe it. In that way, we are not adding to or reinforcing the event.

    And second, we can become proactive by using the satellite images against themselves. Whenever we see the great masses busily creating a storm, we can become a Storm Steerer. Instead of believing that a hurricane, for instance, is going to follow the course described by the anxious weatherperson, we can use the wondrous lightworking tool we call our imagination, and, in our mind's eye, we can Steer the Storm out to sea, or see it dissipating into nothing before it has a chance to hit land.

    Now . . . what if enough Storm Steerers pictured the storms going away? They would go away. I've seen huge tropical storms move away from The Big Island after 50 Intenders "intended" it. Can you imagine what would happen if thousands of people from all over the globe became Storm Steerers? It would change everything, not just with the weather, but with the way we create our entire world.

    Freedom. This was the teaching of the Native Americans. Surrounded by the blackness of night, they danced around the campfire, whooping, hollering, yelping. This was their show of freedom, in sounding it outwardly to the world, in sounding it into the vast silence that was all around them. They shouted fearlessly into it. And the hills would reflect it back... It was like a miracle.
    From The Intenders of the Highest Good

    My Intention for today is:

    I Intend that I am refraining from buying into any media hype surrounding mass events, and that I am only envisioning positive outcomes for the Earth and her people.


    I don't know if this makes sense to you in the position you are now, but as my gut feeling was telling me to post it here, I'll do so ;-)

    Love and Light,

    Sonja Myriel
  • Myriel RAouine

    So, here's a gentle reminder. Night after night, in homes all across the globe, the weathermen and women prance across the TV screen telling us what the weather is going to be like. Much in the same way that the drug companies create flus and sicknesses of all sorts by describing them and pulling flimsy "facts" out of thin air, the weather people describe the coming weather changes, and, if we believe them, we add to the creation of the bad weather.

    Can you imagine the power in that? Millions of people holding the same thought is an awesome prospect in itself. And now, with all the satellite imagery graphics, the friendly weatherperson can even have us picturing large weather systems impacting whole parts of the planet. This is the point where we give up our power and hand it over to someone else. People everywhere either forget or simply don't realize that their thoughts are creating their world. They buy into the pictures they see on TV and waste no time telling everyone they run into that a storm is on the way.

    That's how storms, flus, or any other mass events are orchestrated. And if that isn't enough, now the weather people have even created "seasons" for the storms and sicknesses in order to get us primed and ready to experience bad times. Is there anything we can do?
  • Myriel RAouine

    Hi Ana, I just found this in my in-box and knew it was for you :-)

    Let your light shine and may you know that you are BLESSED!

    The Bridge ~ Step 103 ~ Steering The Storms

    You are more powerful than you know

    When you get a lot of people agreeing and envisioning the way things will be, then that's the way things will be. There is tremendous power in a group of people focused on a common objective. It works within a positive environment, such as in an Intenders Circle where everyone is holding a vision of everyone else's intentions being manifested; and it works just as easily within a negative atmosphere, such as when we're creating fearful weather conditions for ourselves.

    You don't have to look very far to see that our weather is being tampered with. Those in power would have us believe that the weather is out of our control, that we are at the mercy of the storms and climatic changes, but this simply isn't so. In fact, it's just the opposite. It is we who create every aspect of our environment, including the weather. We've just forgotten about it.
  • Myriel RAouine

    To fully understand this truth is the most awsome process of re-membrance!

    Thank you for being with me in this exciting journey

    Love, Light and Joy to you and all you LOVE,

    Sonja Myriel
  • Angel~a

  • ayana


  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

  • Ishema, Carol Suchecki

    Happy Birthday Ana! Do something wonderful today to celebrate!

    Love, Carol

  • Ana Antaka

    Thank you all.  What a gift.
  • Carolyn Beane

    Happy Birthday...I hope your day is beautiful and magical.
  • Hilda

    Hi Ana:

    Thanks for the add.  Be Blessed,



  • Galina

    Thank you,Ana,your help is so much appreciated!

    Cute Graphics

    When I was about 20 years old. I remember watching close encounters of the third kind and it when I was just dabbling in psychic stuff. I was told at that time I wasn't supposed to hear the music because I would start remembering to early in my development. I now just  got done watching willow I love that movie.

    Thank you for writing on my wall, I hope we become friends, you can always f/b me.


  • Galina

    My dear friend,I want to thank you for you wonderful help in Danny's healing...We are winning!...:)) Love and blessings - always!

    Cute Graphics
  • Carol

    Hi Ana Antaka felt to say hi 

    What a Wonderful profile photo you have full of light 

    greetings Carol


    Red Ribbon