Unity: LOVE is the Goal ...

Let us link our sites which are all dedicated to one goal: to spread LOVE, LIGHT and HEALING, PEACE, JOY and WARMTH on this precious Planet Mother Earth :-)
  • Jean Victoria Norloch

    One heart, one mind, one soul, one spirit, one love...
  • Myriel RAouine

  • Myriel RAouine

    Thank you for your message of Love and Unity :-)
  • AMBA

    thank you for adding this wonderful group,
    love to all...........

  • Jean Victoria Norloch

    In response to Gil - it will take the united efforts of anybody and everybody who wishes to see this as a reality - this was posted on our Unity site by my partner - and we are very serious about making this dream of peace a reality - through love we would wish to revolutionize how people view the word REVOLTUION - A Challenge for the World. I Need Your Help!! Please!Posted by Rev. Luminakisharblaze on April 6, 2010 at 8:58am

    Admin OptionsFeature Edit Discussion Close Discussion Edit Your Tags
    Delete Discussion This year marks the 9th anniversary of Sept. 11. The date is the same
    except that the 01 is now 10. On 9/11/01, the entire world, all
    different races, religions and social backgrounds lost love ones. In
    that moment, we came together across the world as one united people.
    For just a little while, we forgot about differences. I am asking, no
    challenging the world to do it once again. I am calling for a day of
    Unity on 9/11/10 to commemorate the fact that we proved once that the
    world could unite and forget the differences. It does not have to take a
    tragedy does it? For just one day, can we not all respect the lives
    lost by spending the day across the world forgetting the differences and
    being people and nothing more. I am going to write the President of
    the US and all the local officials I can as well as churches, and anyone
    else I can think of to call for this day of unity with me. I am also
    going to post the call on any websites I can and ask them to do the same. So
    everyone, please, not for me, but for the ones who lost their lives and
    the ones who lost loved ones on that day. Let us honor them all by
    showing that we can come together again for just one day to respect
    their memories. Write anyone you can think of, call anyone who may care
    and let's see if we can pull this off. In 1996 I wrote a poem that I
    would like to see come into being, and I think, no I know, I have faith
    that we can for one day see world peace. A day of unity.


    Wouldn't it be grand
    If we could all understand
    That violence isn't the answer?

    Wouldn't it be sweet
    If we could all afford to eat
    And hunger would not be a problem?

    Wouldn't it be fine
    If we could all find the time
    To help out someone who needs it?

    Wouldn't it be great
    If help never came too late
    And sorrow was not an emotion?

    And would it take too long
    For us to all get along
    And love each other for being people?

    (Couldn't we do this for just one day? We did it in the name of tragedy, now let's do it in the
    name of Peace)

    Anybody interested in working towards achieving this goal can either speak to us here or is free to join us at Unity - http://comehometounity.ning.com/ - all suggestions and assisatnce to make this dream a reality are welcome...

    much love from UNITY
  • Myriel RAouine

    Hi jean, I've already spread the message, posting this at the above mentioned sister sites :-)

    There are two possibilities to organize a worlwide day of Prayer:
    1.) Everyone does the same ceremony / ritual / prayer / meditation an the very same time - disadvantage: it is in the middle of the night for half of the world's population

    2. Everyone does it at let us say 9 pm or even better at sunset / sunrise. This creates a wave of prayers moving all around the world for 24 hours!

    September 11 seems to be the perfect day for such an event, don't you agree, Gil?
  • Cindy

    Thank you Gil, tank you for posting your thoughts. I notice I left an important part in my prayer request. It should read 12:30pm on Saturday IN YOUR TIME ZONE. I don't think that a mater of a few hours means much in the domain of infinity as long as we can get the prayers all in in a 24 hour time period, the prayers will all go out to universe in one one Earth day.

  • Jean Victoria Norloch

    yes - sorry - i saw after i posted that you had passed it on - overkill lol - love the idea of sunset - thats perfect really - and sept 11 is the day we were thinking - so that works :) also we thinking about contacting government oficials and a church officials as well as various organizations around the globe to try and not only orchestrate a coordinated prayer/ meditation - we were also thinking to have it declared a peace day - if we send out enough petitions from all the different groups they can't ignore it forever - the day sept 11 is not in honor of those we lost it is in honor of the fact that so many from around the workld gaveof their time and their love freely and without pause in a time of need... it happened again in Haiti - the point is that we are capable of it - the world does once in a while come together in a global showing of love and unity but why do we have to wait for disater to strike to do this? It will take alot of letter writing and commitment but i believ we have time - my partner has already fired off some letters in the interest of getting the attention from some people around the world including the Vatican - what can i say my lady she thinks big:) i think it can be done - it certainly can't hurt to try right?
  • Jean Victoria Norloch

    We all know that we are teetering on the brink of something – and that something can go either way – we all – each and every light worker on this planet do our part in our own way each and every minute of every day to help nudge that something in a direction that will be beneficial for both humanity and for Mother Earth – but the key word there is humanity – I believe that the human heart has a great capacity for love and compassion – the only problem seems to be that most humans don’t see this as a truth...
    The idea of the Unity came from a desire to bring them together in one quiet moment of realization that they are not alone... we all feel love, hate, fear, hope... we all need food, shelter and basic essentials to survive... the idea of Unity is to embrace that idea – that we are all essentially the same – because I truly believe that when the general public begins to realize this as a truth then all the rest will fall into place – they will begin to acknowledge their interdependence as well as begin to feel a greater respect for not just those who live in our world but for the very world itself – yes there is no question always Mother Earth is to be acknowledged and respected as the giver of life here on this planet – without out our planet we simply cannot exist – but the Unity day is to honour the fact that humans can when needed come together in a united effort – we have seen it item and time again as each and every new disaster challenges our love for one another and our faith.... Unity as I said is not for light workers alone... 9 11 was chosen out of respect for the fact that the tragedy inspired an outpouring of human compassion and love... only that – the focus was never meant to be on the negative aspects of that event – as light workers we all know what focusing on the negative can do to our energy... so we chose a challenging date that we can forever turn into something positive... to shine light through the dark – it is the light workers way...
    I hope this explains more clearly why the date was chosen and I do hope we can come to a unified agreement...
    The idea was born out of love and respect for humanity – let us help it grow in love and respect for all things...
    of course it is for all people - this is what unity means and by all people - it is not somting that can be done by just a few - it will take the collective efforts of many to bring togehter many more...

    much love
  • Myriel RAouine

    I agree with Jean that this specail date 9/11 could well need a boost towards unity ... Jean, you say that you would like to see something similar happen this 9/11 like 9 years ago but without disaster. How do you think this effect could be brought upon? I think that prayers and meditation is just not enough to bring a similiar coming together to mankind ... I think that something should be done as well, maybe something in favour for Haiti? If you go to the Group "Help for Mother Earth and Her Beings" you find several discussions on Haiti there and the situation is still disastrous ...

    Gil, I think that it's a good idea not just to do something on one day but let's say for a week or a moon ... I will consult the Maya Calender as well and tell you more as soon as I have more information.

    Then I would like to inform you all about an event on May 1, 2012: Sylvia is planning a big, big chain of people along the Panamerican Highway! I will invite her over to my site because she might have one or the other useful idea as well and is a member of my German site. For more information, please visit her site at http://bighug.ning.com

    What we are planning is BIG - maybe we should also take into consideration that this is just the BEGINNING of it all. It might help to think of this as the first step which shall be continued year after year ... ?
  • Cindy

    There has been nine natural catastrophies in the past two months.
    I kept track by the amount of prayer requests I sent out over the web.

    There is more we can do, there are always places asking for donatons for the victimes of catastrofic disaters. My partner and I have donated to three different ones already.

  • Sylvia

    Hello to all,
    thanks Sonja for your invitation to this special cause.
    Of course I would like to invite all of you to be part of the BIG HUG 2012.
    When I was pondering about the date of the BIG HUG I also thought about the 9/11. But then I received the information, that this date is always a big gathering in New York. People from aropund the world think about terrorrism and crime and fear and so on.
    You see this is not the kind of energy we all would like to create.
    So I spoke with Harold Becker, the founder of the love foundation. He proclaimes the 1st May as global love day.
    Please join this day to be the day in your heart and your soul and in your life to be the day of global gatherness in unconditional love. The slogan is
    Love beginst with me
    and so I can infect my world.
    Would you like to be infected with love?
    Of couse you would.

    lets be ONE

    Visit me at www.bighug.ning.com or the facebook group Big Hug united we stand 1st of may 2012.
    in love to you all
  • Jean Victoria Norloch

    love the big hug idea - really do - wel will most assuredly check into that and post a link through the unity site - we have a petition up now for Unity day :) which when the intro letter is done i will send your way - also the idea to raise money for Haiti - well of course my dear - i have been donating through my other project as well as personally - it is mentioned again in book two so that when it comes out it will remind people not to forget - it will take years to rebuild - and to be quite honest i think we are in make or break situation now - as we apporah 2012 and it could still go either way - yet i do believe that as the worl changes - and it IS changing i see proof every day the disaters we are now witnessing will begin to decrease but not beofre many have suffered loss of life - loss of home - loss of self - but this time was predicted many years ago we can only continue to do our best to help where we can in whatever way our hearts tell us is right for us - world wide hug :) gotta say the vision of that gives me chills...
  • Ishema, Carol Suchecki

    This is an idea that was alive on 9/11, but the US choise another way to respond to the bombings. Balia had a similar terrorist event. They chose to have a council, determine what the causes were, and move on. I think the energy was ready on 9/11 for world unity and we can still reclaim the moment for peace.

    I intend to spread this idea as far as possible. Thank you for introducing it. Carol
  • Ishema, Carol Suchecki

    Here is a message from a people with the moral authority to solve the problem of terrorism. They had just gone through it themselves and they have a long spiritual history of balancing good and evil. The solution to the problem of terrorism is in this message. If this message had been embraced by the US we would be in peace now. Perhaps the message can still be heard.

    This is a message, from Parum Samigita which is the "Think Tank" for the Banjars (Village Councils) of the Kuta, Legian and Seminyak areas of Bali. It comes from the heart of the Balinese people at ground zero in Kuta. The speech was delivered in English by Asana Viebeke L on the 25th of October, 2002 at a press conference for the Indonesian media.

    We Balinese have an essential concept of balance. It's the Tri Hita Karana; a concept of harmonious balance. The balance between God and humanity; Humanity with itself and Humanity with the environment. This places us all in a universe of common understanding.

    It is not only nuclear bombs which have fallout. It is our job to minimize this fallout for our people and our guests from around the world. Who did this? It's not such an important question for us to discuss. Why this happened - maybe this is more worthy of thought. What can we do to create beauty from this tragedy and come to an understanding where nobody feels the need to make such a statement again? This is important. This is the basis from which we can embrace everyone as a brother; everyone as a sister.

    It is a period of uncertainty. It is a period of change. It is also an opportunity for us to move together into a better future. A future where we embrace all of humanity in the knowledge that we all look and smell the same when we are burnt. Victims of the tragedy are from all over the world.

    The past is not significant. It is the future which is important. This is the time to bring our values, our empathy, to society and world at large. To care. To Love. The modern world brings to many of us the ability to rise above the core need for survival. Most people in the developed world no longer need to struggle to simply stay alive. It is our duty to strive to improve our quality of life. We want to return to our lives. Please help us realize this wish.

    Why seek retribution from people who are acting as they see fit? These people are misguided from our point of view. Obviously, from theirs, they feel justified and angry enough to make such a brutal statement.

    We would like to send a message to the world - Embrace this misunderstanding between our brothers and lets seek a peaceful answer to the problems which bring us to such tragedy. We embrace all the beliefs, hopes and dreams of all the people in the world with Love.

    Do not bring malice to our world. What has happened has happened. Stop talking about the theories of who did this and why. It does not serve the spirit of our people. Words of hate will not rebuild our shops and houses. They will not heal damaged skin. They will not bring back our dead.

    Help us to create beauty out of this tragedy. Our community is bruised and hurting. Our spirit can never be broken.

    Everybody in the world is of one principle brotherhood. Tat Wam Asi - You are me and I am you.

    We have a concept in Bali, Ruwa Bhineda, a balance between good and bad. Without bad there can be no good. The Bad is the 'sibling' of the Good. Embrace this concept and we can move forward into a better world.

    There is Sekala/Nisikala - the underworld forever in darkness merging with our world in the light.

    These are the concepts by which we, as Balinese, live our lives. Please, we beg you, talk only of the good which can come of this. Talk of how we can reconcile our "apparent" differences. Talk of how we can bring empathy and love into everybody's lives.

    You love your husband and wife but sometimes you fight. Fear arises and shows its opposition to love. This normal. This is a natural, essential part of life.

    The overwhelming scenes of love and compassion at Sanglah Hospital show us the way forward into the future. If we hate our brothers and sisters we are lost in Kali Yuga. If we can Love all of our brothers and sisters, we have already begun to move into Kertha Yuga. We have already won "The War Against Terrorism."

    Thank you for all your compassion and love.

    Asana Viebeke L
  • Jean Victoria Norloch

    it may not have worked before but those same people who were out there fighting for it then are still out there fighting for it and many have added their strength the the growing number of people also realizing that peace is worth working for - we keep spreading the word and allow the ones who sent us here to do their thing - if the time is right for this it wil happen as it is meant to - hope and faith - Carol thank you for this - i agree that the balance is there for a reason - if we saw only light we would not appreciate the value of stepping out of the dark into that light - balance has and ever will be essential to our world... we focus on the good - forget who did what and move forward towards unity sure in our selves and our purpose ... God willing the world is ready...
  • Myriel RAouine

    Today's Angel Message ====================

    My dear friends, we love you so very much.

    Never in your lives are you alone dear friends. Never do you have to solve even the smallest problem without heaven's help. And yet so many of you have learned to react to the world without first sitting still and asking God and your angels for assistance.

    When faced with challenges, your first step should be to sit, breathe, and pray for a solution. In this fashion, we are given permission to assist. You have free will and you can choose to figure everything out on your own, handle everything by yourself, and feel very much alone in this world. Or you can if you like, sit and breathe and ask us for peace, calm, clarity, and assistance. And when you do, dear friends, you can trust that we have heard your prayers and assistance will be forthcoming.

    Ask for what you want, not how you want to receive it, for God in his wisdom sees all pathways to the result you desire and often knows a better way to assist you than you might ask for yourself. For example, rather than asking for money for a vacation, simply ask for the vacation. Rather than asking for this or that specific person to be the 'one', ask for the love of your life. Rather than asking God to do something by a certain date, state your needs but remain open to divine timing.

    Dear ones, you are so very loved. You are never ever alone, and you never have to handle a single challenge in your life without angels coming to assist. All you have to do is ask, believe, and be open to receive.

    God bless you! We love you so very much.
    -- The Angels

    With much love,
    Ann Albers
  • Myriel RAouine

    Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day

    Beloved one, get rid of judgment. Judge not, lest ye be judged; not judged by others, but judged by yourself, because when you are standing in a place of judgment, you are not standing in peace. When you are standing in judgment, what you are judging is yourself. Otherwise you would not know that which you were judging; you would not recognize it. You are judging yourself, or what you perceive to be yourself or a part of yourself.

    Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org *
  • Myriel RAouine

    I just read today's Message by Jeshua - and felt inspired to post as well:

    Oakbridge University - Jeshua Online Message of the Day

    Beloved one, when you first and finally come to the realization that there is nothing to fear, there is such a feeling of peace, such a feeling of empowerment, a feeling that, “I can do all things through him who strengtheneth me.” Well, who is this “him” that strengthens you? It is yourSelf, your own—capital “S”—Self, the divinity of you that you are now beginning to take hold of and remember, the divinity of you that allows you to live the drama, the divinity of you that has been from before time began, that gives you the strength and the power to do all things.
  • Myriel RAouine

    Any news about 9 / 11?
  • Myriel RAouine

    At the moment I feel ripples of separation going through all of life. It's as if new possibilites for man's future were jumping into existence. Something very profound has changed this full moon, but I still cannot really take it all in, it's stilll going on ... more than ever we are called to hold on to the vision of UNITY and the NEW WORLD of LOVE, PEACE, FREEDOM and BOUNTY for ALL! Even if separation is imminent, we are to remind each other that SEPARATION is but an ILLUSION! We are all ONE - now and forever, no matter what we may think or perceive, WE ARE ONE!

    And July 17 calls for our attention!!!

    There is another important date about a month BEFORE: June 26. On this day we have a very special astrological constellation whose importance has been hinted at in the Crop Circle of Wilton some days ago:

    I will post a blog or discussion as soon as possible - or maybe open a group where we can discuss all that's going on in these oh so very special days now!!!

    At the moment it shall suffice to say that June 26 is a date of universal importance - it seems to me that it sets the stage for July 17 - and NOW is the time to get PREPARED!!!

    Love,Light and Unity, dear friends and fellow lightworkers ;-)

    Sonja Myriel
  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

  • Myriel RAouine

    Jean Victoria Norloch on her book "Going Home to Heaven"

    Thank you, Jean!
  • Myriel RAouine

    We are ONE - one united force for change :-)

    Thank you so much, Jean!
  • Myriel RAouine

  • Myriel RAouine

    So I ask you what would happen if every single person who has any interest in seeing worldwide peace came together?

    With one collective voice, a sharing of thought and feeling, a sharing of intent for global unity…

    What would it sound like?

    What would it look like?

    What would it feel like?

    We are aware it has been attempted before.

    We are aware it may seem as if it did not succeed.

    We are aware that it sounds like nothing more than a dream…

    Yet with that awareness comes the knowledge that unity did not fail; unity and the movement for peace and oneness of spirit is very much a presences in our everyday lives. If it was not, we would not be here.

    Around the world millions of people work every day to spread joy and light to the people they mee

    t and share their lives with. Millions of people who though they do not know each other do know deep in their hearts that they are all working for the same thing.

    Unity is not about race, not about religion or belief.

    Unity is not about age, not about status and certainly not about position.

    Unity above all is not about wealth or power.

    Unity is about love…

    The love of humanity, the love of our world, the love of ourselves and of each other.

    Unity is not a place where one goes to be awakened or enlightened, not a place where one goes to be judged or questioned. Unity is not a place where things or thoughts can be bought or sold.

    Unity simply is…

    Unity is me, it is you, it is us coming together.

    Unity is love…

    So no matter where you live, what you believe or what you both do for a living and do with the life that has been given you all we ask is that you do it in unity.

    So I ask again what would happen if every single person who has any interest in seeing worldwide peace came together?

    With one collective voice, a sharing of thought and feeling, a sharing of intent for global unity…

    What would it sound like?

    What would it look like?

    What would it feel like?

    Are you ready to find out?

  • Myriel RAouine

    A bright WELCOME to you dear Ishtar :-)



    I am happy that our sites are connected as I think we are all starseeds here at lightgrid :-)


    Love, Light and Joy are filling my Heart so I#m sending you a loving, lightfilled and joyful embrace,


    Sonja Myriel

  • Myriel RAouine

    Thank you for the links, dear Solael!


    Please feel free to start a discussion and display your badges and maybe some information on each of the sites so it is easier to choose which ones one wants to join.


    Blessings of Love and Light,


    Sonja Myriel


    PS.: Do you have a main site? Which one would you like to be displayed as a sister site? I acn only add one link to the above Unity tab - which one am I to choose?

  • Myriel RAouine

    Yes, we are :-)


    I have posted a link to your site, Kerrie, and would invite you to post a discussion above introducing your site so I can share it with all the members of lightgrid.


    Blessings of Love, Light and UNITY,


    Sonja MYriel


  • gino plantamura

  • Myriel RAouine

  • ayana

  • Carmen Elsa Irarragorri-Wyland

    Happy Valentine's Day to all of you, and yes may our goal continue to be Unity, All for One and One for All!

  • Ishema, Carol Suchecki

    Happy ◊alen tine's Day Carmen!

    Welcome to the group Carmen.

    Love, Ishema

    (Carol Suchecki)


  • Myriel RAouine