Lightgrid Messages

In this group you find the most important messages written by Sonja Myriel RAouine

  • gino plantamura

    FOR ALL ............................................
  • Myriel RAouine

    Thank you so much, dear Gino, this is truly a wise saying!

    Our emotions are often misleading these days, as we are in the process of RELEASING.




    Sonja Myriel

  • maac

    Hi Sonja...I like this group since soon I will be able to share things with you...I have been very busy...I anchor the Violet flame by request of Saint Germain through a bridge channeling and I am sure we can share many things...Peace and Love to you always...

  • Myriel RAouine

    I am very much looking forward to learning more, dear Amparo!

  • Violet Moon

    the moon is full .....of love and light....feel the glo....blessed for the love and light
    Feel the postive energy all around us all. Such a beautiful place to be. look forward to all the peace we share this year the new age of all postive energy
    What you send out shall come back to you
  • Steve Hutchinson

    I thought that everyone might want to know that I just uplloaded on YouTube the 6th video in the "Transformational Meditation" series of 8 videos, "Expanding Your Intuition While Merging With Universal Mind"  Plus I created a new public playlist with 6 of the 8 videos, (I'm uploading & posting one a week, so there are 2 more left in the series to look forward to). And when you see that there are 9 videos on the playlist, I should mention that the last 3 videos on the above playlist are not in the same series, but are definitely powerful guided meditations that help you in your ascension & spiritual growth from my earlier work.

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Larry E. Johnson

    Part 1: Ascension Seats – Use to Accelerate the Ascension Experienc...

    You are encouraged to use any of the seats listed below as much as possible. So long as your heart has a purity of intention, then you can enter them in meditation with your mind’s eye (aka your pineal gland or personal stargate). The first three seats (cosmic locations) are recommended only after you have already ascended since you would be getting ahead of yourself if you have not ascended at the planetary level, but it can’t hurt to try. They – the ascended masters – will decide on your level of access based on your existing frequency or vibration. It makes no difference if the location is cosmic, planetary, otherworldly/ extradimensional and/or in the inner realm. All you have to do is ask very simply in meditation to be taken to the ascension seat of your choosing, and you are instantly there in your spiritual body.

    You will immediately feel a subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle spiritual current running through your entire four-body system (i.e. physical/emotional/mental/spiritual bodies). The ascension seats help strengthen your grid system, revitalize your molecules, build your Light quotient, and accelerate your ascension.

    1. The golden chamber of Melchizedek’s ascension seat in the universal core (Sagittarian Constellation)
    2. Lenduce’s ashram ascension seat at the galactic level
    3. Melchior’s ashram ascension seat at the galactic core
    4. The chamber of Helios’s ascension seat at the solar core
    5. The ascension seat of Shamballa in the inner realm of Earth overseen by our Planetary Logos, the Lord Buddha (i.e. Siddhartha Gautama, aka “Thoth”…among his other Earthly incarnations/ emobodiments). 
    6. The ascension seat of the Arcturian spacecraft known as the Light Synthesis Chamber
    7. The ascension seat in Table Mountain, Wyoming, called the Atomic Accelerator
    8. The ascension seat in the Great Pyramid of Giza in the king’s chamber
    9. The ascension seat in Mount Shasta
    10. The ascension seat in Telos, the subterranean city one mile below Mount Shasta
    11. The ascension seat in Commander Ashtar’s starship
    12. The ascension seat in in Africa in an underground extraterrestrial craft
    13. The ascension seat in the center of Middle Earth in Melchizedek’s other golden chamber
    14. The ascension seat in Serapis Bey’s ascension retreat in Luxor

    This guidance comes to us through the beloved teacher, the late Dr. Joshua David Stone.

  • Larry E. Johnson

    Part 2: “Ascension Seats, A Gift To Raise Your Consciousness”

    Channeler: Michelle Coutant / Message From Helios, July 10, 2010 /Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

    Dearly Beloveds,

    This dear soul has asked for a description of ascension seats and their functionality. The following will assist you in understanding ascension seats and their purpose. Ascensions seats have been created to help you raise your consciousness and your vibrations to the level of fifth dimension awareness and beyond. This is a process which is accomplished through many visits to the ascension seats. Each time you visit an ascension seat you will incorporate wisdom and the vibrational essence which is unique to that ascension seat. There are many ascension seats, each calibrated to provide you with a different aspect of conscious awareness and growth on your cosmic journey. Each ascension seat is overlighted by an Ascended Master, or by a great Being of Light who will assist you in specific areas of your growth.

    Ascension seats are calibrated to certain vibrations which will help you integrate light packets of wisdom which are downloaded to you as you sit in the ascension seat. There are ascension seats available to you upon your planet, at a solar level, and at a galactic, universal and multi universal level. There are cosmic ascension seats available to you also. It is necessary to begin first to visit the ascension seats upon your planet, and as you raise you vibrations and your consciousness, you may begin to visit other ascension seats. There are ascension seats given to you as a great gift by the Christed extraterrestrials such as the Arcturians, the Ashtar Command, the Syrians and the Pleiadians. You may also visit the ascension seat on Venus. These ascension seats are etheric, and you may visit an ascension seat by simply asking your guides and angels to take you to the particular ascension seat which you would like to visit.

    Sit quietly and connect with your inner wisdom to determine which ascension seat is appropriate for you to visit in the Now Moment, and then ask your guides and angels to take you there. You will bilocate to this ascension seat, where you will be greeted by the Beloved Ones ministering to you as you visit the ascension seat. There are many ascension seats in each location, enough for as many of you who choose to visit, at any time. Feel the unique vibration of the ascension seat and location you are visiting, and as you settle in for your blessed visit, know that you will be taken care of, and you will not be allowed to incorporate more of the living light than you are able to integrate with ease and grace. You may sit in the ascension seat in the state of bilocation as you continue your activities in your earthly day, and you will know when your visit is complete. Your guides and angels will complete the bilocation process by returning you to your physical body. A visit to an ascension seat will most often last for one to two of your earthly hours. You may ask to bilocate to an ascension seat as you go to sleep at night. Visit the ascension seats daily, Beloved Ones. It is a most blessed gift from those of the higher realms, to assist you on your journey home.

  • Larry E. Johnson

    Part 3: “Ascension Seats, A Gift To Raise Your Consciousness”

    There are many of you who are of the vibration to access most all of the ascension seats available. You will know who you are and you will be given access to these ascension seats, as you ask. For most of you, we ask you to begin with visits to your earthly ascension seats. These include an ascension seat at Mt Shasta, an ascension seat within Telos, an ascension seat in the Pyramid of Giza, and the ascension seat of the New Jerusalem, located over the southwestern states of your United States of America. You may visit the Ascension seat of the etheric city of Shamballa, overseen by Lord Buddha, your Planetary Logos. You may all also visit my solar ascension seat and I welcome you with great joy. It will be as if you are surrounded and meld with liquid golden sunlight when you visit my ascension seat and I will greet you, as will my Lady Vesta and those who will minister to you as you sit in the solar ascension seat. You will experience the blessing of a sojourn in the healing chamber of my ascension seat, calibrated to assist you with the healing of your four bodies, and polarized to the solar level of ascension to begin the healing process at the solar level as you integrate your four bodies into the solar level of liquid light. There are many of you who are already accessing solar levels of ascension. It is not linear and you have many levels of awareness available to you always. You may find yourselves at a high level of consciousness in one aspect and a lower level of consciousness in another aspect of your Self. My solar ascension seat will begin to help you integrate and bring into balance and harmony, these aspects of your Self at the planetary level, as you polarize the solar level of ascension.

    Enjoy these ascension seats, Dear and Beloved Ones. More information will be forthcoming regarding your earthly ascension seats and those at the solar, galactic, universal, multi universal and cosmic level.

    I will be ready to welcome you, to my solar ascension seat. You have only to ask, in the Now Moment. I am here to infuse you with the living light at the solar level. Call on me, Beloved Ones.

    I am Helios, Solar Logos.

    You may copy and share, with love and blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Helios through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link


  • Angel~a

    Thanks for posting this info Larry....I'm going to do this-looking forward to it!

    Love and Light,


  • Myriel RAouine

    Wow, Larry, Thank you so much! Wouldn'T you like to post this in its entirety here in this group:

    It is reserved for exactly this kind of information - and I could share the article easily when it appears as ONE post.

    In gratitude to your gift of information on Ascension Seats,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Angel~a

    Great idea Sonja!

  • Larry E. Johnson

    I recently read and would like to recommend the following ebook :

    World of Archangels : How to Meet an Archangel

    by Sufian Chaudhary


    "The world needs to establish that it is still in perfect unison with its Creator. Even more important is that we have the ability to meet our Creator. This is the heart behind Creation."



    World of Archangels is now available on Amazon for 0.99 cents!

  • Myriel RAouine

    Hi Larry - did you read my question? If you don't know how to post a discussion to a group I can help you or post it myself ;-)

    Let me know,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Myriel RAouine

    Oh Sarah, YES!!!

    Elfso, the crystal grids are in place, indeed! They have been tested and will hold the energy well.

    WE ARE PART of the GRID!

    WE ARE PART of GOD :-)

    WE ARE ONE BEING of LIGHT - ready to be called to work!

    We are all like a band or group of beings, but we are really ONE multidimensional aspect. It depends upon your interpretation and your level of awareness. Where one being may see us as a group of souls working together, another higher level Being would see us as only One being with may different aspects which can come together, or go apart, as required, to do the work.”

    So explained the Trees.

  • Onura

    What a Magical Song dear Sonja! Loving it.

    Bless you, and all. Onura

  • Myriel RAouine

    Fairy Blessings, dearest Onura, fairy Blessings :-)

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Jewel White

    Aaaah dear Sonja I AM so grateful for you and all you do for Lightgrid and all of the souls gathered together because of YOU to send forth the Violet Fire.

    May you be blessed always for your unconditional LOVE

    Blessed be


  • Myriel RAouine

    Oh Jewel White, the LIVING Energy coming from you has touched me deeply :-)

    Eternal LOVE to you and your SON,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Jewel White

    Wow Wow Wow!

    Your picture has moved me deeply - heaven touches earth -the rainbow bridge

    Wherever and whoever that was taken must be truly Christ blessed

    I feel that beautiful connection

    Thank you eternally dear heart


  • Myriel RAouine

    I took the picture on Easter Monday, dearest Jewel White. We lit the Easter Fire and then I took some pictures ...

    I will upload some more in our phot section and post the album here later.

    With all my LOVE,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Myriel RAouine

    Some of the best ones ;-)

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Jewel White

    What a very special place - it speaks volumes - no wonder that healing you sent for Nathan and  myself that day was felt in such a powerful way. I can see why!

    Thank you for sharing such beautiful soul stirring pictures, so beautifully moving

    Love you dear Sonja - thanks for being there.....


  • Angel~a

    Beautiful pictures-the colors are amazing. Thank You so much for sharing!

    Love and Light to all!


  • Onura


    Thank you Dear Sonja.

  • Myriel RAouine

    Thank you all so much for your encouraging comments :-)

    Find more photos like this on LIGHTGRID - Lichtnetz - REDDELUZ

    Here is the slide show:

    You might want to watch with music :-)

  • Myriel RAouine

    Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you
    start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving
    an imprint or blueprint from existence...

    Will you be
    commandered by the force of the electromagnetic change that
    sweeps...Earth and affects all of existence?
    Or will you take your
    power and stand facing the storm, creating what you desire as you
    breathe in the power of the wind and feel it blow across your skin
    and through your hair? With the power of your will and your
    strength, with your intent and your desire, you can use the power of
    the changing times, the storms of Earth and the coming cosmic
    storms, as energy, as fuel to change your world....

    If you can grasp the idea that you live in a significant world, and
    that you affect it by how you feel and what you think, then you can
    begin to change your experience in a most miraculous way...

    Simply GREAT, isn't it :-)

  • Amoran

    Such Wondrous TRUTH, Dearest Sonja! Yes, I have believed this and experienced it myself for some time now. It is, in essence, a Great Gift - from the Cosmos to Us and then back again.


    Sending this Loving Flow to All  ...


  • Onura

    Beautiful wisdom dear Sonja. As we reclaim our own power to be the true Beings that we are, our world changes...

    We command the power within to bless the world in a way that brings peace and love unto all. And it becomes a better place.

    We are the World!

    And so it is!

    Blessed be.


  • Myriel RAouine

    Indeed, dearest Onura and Amoran, so it IS!

  • Gary WalkNCrow Cooke

    :)) Love and Light All :))

  • Myriel RAouine

    WELCOME to the group, Gary!

  • Myriel RAouine

    Oakbridge University - Jeshua Online
    Message of the Day

    The big ascension that everyone talks about and prophesies about and says is just around the really is just around the corner, but it depends on how you define the corner. It is happening degree by degree. 
  • Myriel RAouine

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Myriel RAouine

    Latest update: Today, 6.12 - Saint Niclas' Day in the Germain speaking world - is the day of the LIGHT'S TRIUM9H over all demonic forces. The Ascension Flame has been activated in each of us, awaiting our command.

    Saint Niclas oversees a whole army of demons: ALL UNDER HIS CONTROL. And today he gifts us with passing in this gift to everyone asking with sincerity and compassion: The gift of total reconnexion to PRIMARY SOURCE LIGHT which holds the power of Divine Inspirational MOMENTARY CREATION.

    And so it IS.

    Sonja Myriel
  • Myriel RAouine

  • Myriel RAouine

    "The great mass awakening |final movement"

    Have you been working with lightgrid's meditation for this moon? Are you experiencing the geometric patterns of light, emanated by our Mother's HEART FREQUENCY, as your new reality already?

    If so, please watch this video to find out how to MAINTAIN your newly found way of COMMUNICATING with all of LIFE and make it your NEW REALITY!

    If you have not yet started out with your reconnexion to the Earth's electromagnetic Star Net of Light and the Crystalline White Light CREATRIX: It's not too late, yet


    May all your dreams of happiness and fulfillment come true and may you find yourself WAKE UP in the REALITY OF YOUR INNERMOST DESIRE more and more until you realize:


    Nothing can harm you when you revel in 5th dimensional BLISS which comes from KOWING your path and destiny, anchored in God's Divine WILL and LOVE 💙💛

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Myriel RAouine

    Please have alook at the lastes discussions to find pictrues from the WAVE of LIGHT for PEACE and FREEDOM of HUMANITY - OM NAMAH SHIVAJAH

  • Myriel RAouine


    Deep peace I breathe into you.
    Oh weariness here!
    Oh ache here!

    Deep peace, a soft white dove to you,
    Deep peace, a quiet rain to you,
    Deep peace, an ebbing wave to you!

    Deep peace, red wind of the east from you,
    Deep peace, grey wind of the west to you,
    Deep peace, dark wind of the north to you,
    Deep peace, blue wind of the south to you!

    Deep peace, pure red of the flame to you,
    Deep peace, pure white of the moon to you,
    Deep peace, pure green of the grass to you,
    Deep peace, pure brown of the earth to you,
    Deep peace, pure grey of the dew to you,
    Deep peace, pure blue of the sky to you!

    Deep peace of the running wave to you,
    Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
    Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
    Deep peace of the sleeping stones to you!

    Deep peace of the Yellow Shepherd to you,
    Deep peace of the Wandering Shepherdess to you,
    Deep peace of the Flock of Stars to you,
    Deep peace from the Son of Peace to you,
    Deep peace from the Heart of Mary to you,
    From Brigid of the Mantle,
    Deep peace, deep peace!

    And with the kindness of the Haughty Father,

    In the name of the Three who are One,

    And by the will of the King of the Elements,
    Peace! Peace!

    from "Under the Dark Star"
    by Fiona Macleod

  • Myriel RAouine

    UNITED let us dive into today's FULL MOON 💜🤍🌏🤍💜

    Please watch the video to the end, check out the description box and SHARE this message if it resonates. Thank you 🙏🌞🌏🤗🙏