Mary Magdalene and the Crystal Rose of Peace

Celia Fenn about the Opening of the Rose Stargate and other universal impacts.
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  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson


    Solstice Transmission By Neelam - The Quantum Alchemist
    Neelam is a Cosmic & Quantum Alchemist, Grand Master Healer, Channel, DNA Activator and Cosmic Visionary. She is the founder of Circle of Light, leading, supporting and nurturing a conscious global community of heart centred souls that are focused on self transformation and expansion with the intention to empower all of its members.
    The essence of her work is based in authenticity, integrity, compassion, truth, peace and love. She teaches how to experience more joy, harmony, abundance, balance, freedom and flow in our lives. These are the vibrations of the higher dimensions and the energy she has come to guide us back to.
    Neelam is a powerful receiver and transmitter of the latest and highest cosmic light technologies, frequencies & energetic upgrades coming to earth. She is a guide for souls who are choosing the ‘fast track’ to ascension as her work is incredibly high frequency. She will help you unlock the doors to your greatness and reconnect you to your heart and joy. Love