The following information contains most potent HEALING tools and I would like to thank Debbie Takara Shelor for sharing them here at lightgrid with us!
If you are only interested in how you can quickly and efficiently help to cool down the Nuclear Facilities, please go to the end of the discussion and read the last paragraph.
As I appreaciate all the information shared in this message, I have also included the information of how Debbie found out what she was to do with the information she had received about the Platinum Ray. I will use the Platinum drop now whenever I feel exhausted after doing HEALING work!
I also like her desctiption of the cobalt blue ray a lot and will use this picture to wrap each person now in a cobalt blue cloak of protection - cobalt blue outside and white inside. This mantle of protection is filled with pink magenta LOVE which serves as a high frequency energy, which helps people stay in the high vibrations of LOVE.
Now here is what Debbie Takara Shelor wrote in reply to our discussion on "Levels of Nuclear Pollution"
O.K., this is not what I thought I was going to be doing today . . . However, since my inner guidance has taken over, I am now to share this.
Years ago a good friend and famous Oracle, Judith Moore, said I was going to discover a way to neutralize radiation from things like Uranium. She said I would be creating and discovering several other things that were completely unrelated. I did not resonate with what she was saying at the time since much of the stuff was not in areas I tend to work with. Bottom line . . . I flat out thought she was wrong.
Fast forward to this morning. I have a million things to do. I'm writing (channeling) several books simultaneously. I have a presentation to give later today. I have emails to answer, phone calls to make, and a son to homeschool. Yet I found myself filing of all things. Filing. Boxes and boxes of loose papers, folders, etc. needing to be put away. (There is a point I promise)
I saw the messages coming in about the Nuclear meltdown and the various things to do for it. Just as I'm reading a bit of that, I came across this page of channeled notes in my box to file. It reads:
The platinum ray harmonizes everything. (That will be very important in a minute).
The turquoise ray is the ray of prosperity and opulence.
The sapphire blue ray is the ray of protection. It is the color of cobalt blue. It is white inside with cobalt blue outside. This is the color of Divine Love.
A few days ago I told Sonja Myriel that I had a meditation to assist channels in cooling down their body when they channeled and that I didn't know where to post it. Now I understand why. I am to explain it here and then alter it to a group meditation done to cool down and harmonize the reactors at the nuclear facilities. Let's all pray that Judith did in fact know what she was talking about so long ago.
Using the Platinum Ray to heal the friction caused when high frequency (whatever you are channeling ~ energy or information) comes into contact with lower frequency (the frequency of your body and this earth plane).
I always see the person seated (not sure why).
Imagine a drop of liquid platinum (sort of like liquid mercury, but definitely not that vibration, a mixture of gold and silver in color) being placed on top of their head right at the crown. Imagine it melting down into their body. It coats the entire brain, then travels down the spinal column, and out every nerve all the way to the tiniest tips of the nerves. You are coating inside and outside each of the nerves.
Friction causes heat, which causes inflammation, which causes tiredness, and speeds up the aging process. The person is literally being fried from the inside out as the high frequency energy and information comes through their body.
The vessel itself ~ the human body ~ must be purified and cleansed internally and externally. The nutrients it receives should be coming from blessed life food sources along with plenty of pure water. And I also highly recommend mineral supplements. (I use a particular kind if anyone is interested). Minerals burn up quickly when you are channeling energy and information.
This purification assists in not only allowing the body to be more in resonance with the higher frequencies, it also allows the information to be received with less distortion.
But it is not enough. Once the nerves have begun to "heat up" from the high frequencies being received, additional steps are required to cool it down and keep it cooled down. That is the purpose of the liquid platinum visualization above.
If you have platinum jewelry, wear it. I'm wearing my wedding band (for the diamonds and platinum energy frequencies) even though I am no longer married. I just decided I was now married to my Light work and the ring is a reminder of that.
I have also created an essence I call the "Platinum Principle" to go along with the next book by the same name in the series I'm working on. Anyway, I get that it will greatly assist channels in dealing with all this.
Back to the visualization. The liquid platinum not only cools down nerves that are already being irritated from the friction, it coats them like a lubricant. In an engine, if you don't keep the various parts well lubricated, you get friction, which causes heat, which eventually causes irreparable damage. Let the liquid platinum act as the necessary lubricant creating complete harmony between whatever frequency you are and the frequency of the information you are bringing in.
On to bigger things:
Cooling Down the Nuclear Facilities:
Just like the human body and dealing with frequencies, that is exactly what is happening inside the nuclear plants. Very high and fast frequencies are causing great irritation with the surrounding vessel ~ building in this case.
See the entire facility and surrounding area in a giant sphere of platinum light. Ask the dolphins to come and surround the sphere weaving their magic, sending the frequencies necessary to neutralize and heal everything.
Then see a giant drop of liquid platinum at the top of the sphere and then watch it melt down into the sphere and the facility and the surrounding area coating everything in liquid platinum ~ cooling, healing, neutralizing everything in it's path. Let not even a molecule go uncoated.
Do this as a group and repeat at least every 12 hours.
In Love and Light,
Please share as you feel guided!
Arctorus also posted a discussion on how to cool the reactors: and it contains this picture wich I find most helpful to better visualize and understand how a reactor works:
Nuclear Reactor Violet Flame Visualization
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla
Dear Sonja,
My master of Ascension and Healing Modalities Melchizedek Master was using the Platinum Rays for healing the Body in fractions.....especially He was using for muscular tissues and nerves also....
Endocrine glands also we can heal and activate with Platinum ray effect....
Good Article....Thanks to Debbie Takara.....
Sep 23, 2011
Myriel RAouine
Yes- the Platinum Ray and the Seafoam Green Ray together with the Pink, the Golden, and the Blue Ray are those I work most with - except, of course, from the VIOLET Ray, which is our speciality anyway ;-)
Can you tell me more about the endocrine system? What is it good for? Where is it situated?
Love and LIGHT,
Sonja Myriel
Sep 23, 2011
Myriel RAouine
Archangel Metatron about the use of the silverplatinum flame throug...
by Sirian HeavenQuestion from me to Archangel Metatron: My Beloved Archangel Metatron, I read a message on Facebook about the Platinum Ray and her use. Can you tell me more details about it?
Metatron: My beloved Isabel, I can answer to this question, but it is meant for all people.
My beloved people, I am the Archangel Metatron and alongside a variety of tasks that I have to do, I am the co-keeper of the silverplatinum flame. The original keeper is currently incarnated on your beautiful planet, and was only a few months ago made familiar with the use of her flame.
The silverplatinum flame is the flame of the Divine Feminine, the Twin flame of the goldenwhite flame of the Divine Masculine. This flame is the most powerful and strongest flame in the entire universe. The silverviolet Ray was born from her and others too. From the silverviolet flame the violet flame of St. Germain and Lady Portia was born. This already very strong flame is familiar to many of you. You use her for protection and cleaning, to transform negative and lower energies into pure love.
I warn strongly against the use of the silverplatinum flame or Platinum Ray as she is also called. Her improper use can cause great damage and kill people and animals. At this stage, humanity is not able to deal with her safely. There is only one human being on earth who can use this flame. This is her keeper. This flame is part of her light, her own energy and she is therefore in a position to safely apply the flame for herself. From the use on living beings, she was strongly warned because she still can not fully remember the correct use. As an ascended Master and incarnated Divine Feminine she is in a position to use this beautiful and powerful energy responsibly and harmless for herself.
The silverplatinum flame of the Divine Mother is a highly intelligent energy with her own consciousness. As her co-keeper I am aware that she does not send messages. I ask you therefore in your own interest, do not use her! This energy can not be tamed by you, not yet.
You have plenty of other powerful energies that you can apply safely. As a shield, the violet flame is perfect. Spiritually more advanced people can also use the silverviolet flame. But please, never the silverplatinum flame.
I regret that the dark side takes such moves to harm you.
I send you my deep, unending love. I am the Archangel Metatron.
Thank you my dear Metatron for these warning and explanatory words.
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author's name and the link to the original site is given.
Jan 25, 2013