Higher Rays of Consciousness

If you are interested in learning more about the Rays of Higher Consciousness, you are most welcome to join us in our quest!
Please do not expect answers - but let us discuss your quetions ;-)

Snatam Kaur - Ong Namo (Live In Barcelona) 25 May 2024

Snatam Kaur - Ong Namo (Live In Barcelona) 25 May 2024


This is a chant that is powerful to tune in before a Kirtan program or anything where you want to come from your heart and not the head.

When sung with intention it allows for the ego to step aside and the Divine to flow through.

It awakens our consciousness to the Divinity within each of us and tunes us into Guru, which is essentially the wisdom stream that flows within each of us, within our life experience, and within the sacred teachings and masters of whatever spiritual path one may follow.

Ong Namo: I bow to the Divine energy within me and within all beings

Guru Dev Namo: I bow to the Divine teacher within me and within all beings


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    Xenoshey Lunarii

    Thx broski! I will be sure to use this before my morning Bhajans >:3

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      Steve Hutchinson

      Thanks so much for your reply Xenoshey, and it's so nice to find another soul on the path to enlightenment, or as I like to put it - in the process of embodying your Full God Presence on earth.