Expect Wonderful Messages of Love, Hope and Inspiration through Meredith Murphy

Expect Wonderful...a place for exploration, validation, connection, questioning... and most of all, inspiration toward happiness.

How To Feel Good About Your Body - Swami Nityananda - Awake Yoga

How To Feel Good About Your Body - Swami Nityananda -

Awake Yoga

Swami Nityananda guides us on a transformative journey of self-discovery, where we are invited to recognize the divine beauty that resides within our very being. The form you inhabit is not just a physical entity—it's a sacred expression of divine beauty.

By acknowledging this truth, you tap into a profound inner strength and begin to let go of societal judgments that have clouded your perception of yourself. Learn to connect with the divine essence that is uniquely yours, and feel the empowerment that comes with embracing your true form.

These set of teachings from the yogic teachings and scriptures encourages you to release the limiting beliefs that have held you back and to fully embody the unparalleled beauty and strength of the form that you are in.

Here’s one of our favorite quotes:

We don’t usually greet ourselves as, ‘This is a form that is expressing divine beauty. This is a beloved expression of divine beauty.’ When you are in contact with ‘This form—the divine beauty that you are - you also come in contact with incredible strength.
And so I’m inviting you to connect with that as well. When you become aware that this body that you are in—it is form of the Divine, it is Divine taking form as you, it is beauty as the form that you are—notice how strengthening that is.
And so, also notice there is a process of letting go of the human roster of judgments—the human merchandising which tells us, ‘Your body is not enough this, your body is too much that, there is this that you need in order to feel good about that body that you are in.’
All of that is just an illusion. When you begin to perceive the beauty of your Divine Self within your heart - all of the false programming begins to be set aside and you are able to see and feel the strength of the form you are in and the unparalleled beauty of the form that you are in.

”If you have heard this teaching before, we invite you — as Swami so often invites us — to hear it as if you are hearing it for the first time. Often we receive these teachings right when we need them.

In loving service,
The Karma Yoga Team at AYM

P.S. If you are interested in joining the Karma Yoga Team to expand your practice of selfless service, love in action, please click here.

Video Link: How To Feel Good About Your Body - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbFhcdotlvY
