Lightgrid Messages

In this group you find the most important messages written by Sonja Myriel RAouine

HEALING for Mother Earth

My dearly beloved lihtgrid family and gridwork team,

Your focus and attention are needed.

Fires along the border of Brasil - Bolivia and Paraguay are harming man and nature. More than 70.000 hectars of the Amazon Forest have already been destroyed. Please connect to lightgrid and call on the help of the VIOLET FLAME to aid in the transmutative work of the fire, so it need not devastate more than it already has.

This is an image of the sky above Parauay, where friends of mine live. For two days now it is clouded by the ash of the raging fires even though far enough away.

Today we count on the help of IMOX, the original WATERS of Mother Earth, to help in our endeavors to bring HARMONY and BALANCE to all life on planet Earth.

Tomorrow may the winds turn, as we ask for the guidance of SPIRIT manifest in IK, the WIND on tone 9, which connects us to the big cosmic cycles.

Envision the white liht of the CREATRIX surfacing, to keep mankind, the trees and all animals SAFE!

I am looking forward to you sharing your experiences with this kind of work we have originally come here to do as the lightgrid community we are.

Thank you so much for empowering our lightgrid connexions and this vision in specific to keep all life SAFE!

Sonja MYriel