Cosmology & Consciousness

We are grounded to Earth, as re-member who we are. A place to share all things related to our cosmos: science, philosophy, esotericism, spirit, & humanity's place within. Share stellar information, crop circles, E.T. info, sacred universal info.

Solar Empowerment Codes Activation From The Solar Dragon Collective With Denise Chadwick

Solar Empowerment Codes Activation From The Solar Dragon Collective With Denise Chadwick

Greetings Beloveds

We address you here as the Solar Dragon Collective. It is our honour to have the opportunity now to be intermingled with your energies and to be recognised by and connected with so many of your humankind.

We have eagerly awaited this opportunity for many, many of your lifetimes.
It is with wondrous joy that we observe the lighting of the light fields upon and within your blessed planet.

We observe the opening of hearts and the strengthening of the Collective Heartfield as beacons of light that shine out into the ethers - Brightly. This creates a pulse of energy that ripples through the energy grids of the Earth and indeed into the connecting energy lines of the cosmos.

When your hearts have been closed, inhibited by their walls, we have observed that this in turn leads to a draining of your power, your lifeforce.

When your heart is open, its energy extends to your power centre, your Solar Plexus and your actions then are performed through the veil of Love, and through this, your connection with the Sun, the source of power and light on your planet becomes more congruent.

The Sun holds pure Empowerment Codes and we, as carriers of these Codes are excited to connect you with their source.

These Solar Empowerment Codes will assist you in re-becoming and re-cognising yourselves as the True Sovereign Beings that you truly are.

The Solar Empowerment Codes will strengthen your resolve. They will enlighten your actions. They will recall those cords through which your energy has poured forth from your light being and diminished your lifeforce.

And in a beautiful symbiosis, your replenished lifeforce energy will shine your heartlight more brightly.

Your heartlights beam out to those places devoid of its substance; awakening and bringing back to life, to light, to love, those diminished contracted nullifications so they become truly alive and filled with light and love once more.

So call upon us, the Solar Dragon Collective, when your mind is settled in your meditations, to activate in you the Solar Empowerment Codes. Let these Solar Energies flow through you and cleanse you, and help you experience the truly loving Divine Being that You Are !

We bestow our gratitude and solar blessings upon you.”

Video Link: 
Awakening Humanity: Embracing Our Divine Nature and Invoking the Light of God -
