The Power of the Divine Feminine

POWER is an attribute of the Feminine - let us claim back the Power of LOVE, the Power of Free Speech, the Power of Self-Esteem, the Power of the GODDESS!

Update On Divine Union of Feminine & Masculine By Neelam Sareen - The Quantum Alchemist

Update On Divine Union of Feminine & Masculine By Neelam Sareen - The Quantum Alchemist

Enjoy this update on the Divine Union of our Feminine & Masculine Energies and the frequencies emitted from the Galactic Council of 9. Receive their frequencies of love. Close your eyes and open your heart to the light codes that come through this transmission.
We launch the next level of health and healing transmissions aligned with immortality and sovereign divine perfect health this March taking the energetic frequencies to a whole new level and bring new advanced technologies to Earth.
Video Link: Divine Union of Feminine & Masculine
And dive into this New Moon message by Neelam on Instant Manifestion:
Video - Instant Manifestation New Moon Message