Unity: LOVE is the Goal ...

Let us link our sites which are all dedicated to one goal: to spread LOVE, LIGHT and HEALING, PEACE, JOY and WARMTH on this precious Planet Mother Earth :-)

Let Yourself Feel God's Presence In Every Moment

Let Yourself Feel God's Presence In Every Moment

https://email.cloud.secureclick.net/view?id=4665.875532.1.7f1343a14..." alt="" width="0" height="0" border="0" class="CToWUd"/>


https://cascade.madmimi.com/promotion_images/4559/9615/original/202..." alt="2024-02-22" width="590" class="CToWUd a6T"/>
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    Carmen Elsa Irarragorri-Wyland

    Love is all there is and everyone of our atoms can be charged with it!

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      Steve Hutchinson

      Thanks so much for sharing Carmen, and I love what you wrote. I believe that every atom and electron in our body can be charged with Divine Love and Bliss, and Divine Love and Bliss can also be anchored into our chakras as well.