HELP for Mother Earth and Humanity

In this group you are WELCOME to post pleas for HELP so we can ACT as ONE GROUP BODY OF LOVE to bring HEALING where it is needed!

Please do not hesitate to ASK for help on behalf of yourself, your family, locality, country or continent. TOGETHER we can envision a NEW WORLD and bring it to LIFE through our EXAMPLE!

And so it IS.

Sonja Myriel RAouine

Austria needs your help once more!

Please, my family, help me and my fellow Austrian citizens NOW:

Our government is going to discuss obligational vaccination in Austria for real in a few hours from now and we need the Divine Powers of INTERVENTION to help our ministers see beyond the veil of illusion.

Please envision all governmental seats as occupied by the WHITE LIGHT of CRYSTAL CLEAR PURITY and the VIOLET RAY of TRANSMUTATION. See the 3-fold Flame burn in each and every politician's heart as to set him/her FREE from all manipulative opinion-forming mechanisms which may sourround him/her.

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for responding to this message, for sharing it and for caring,

Sonja Myriel

For more information:

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    Peggy Lynn Rivera

    Blaze, blaze blaze Violet Flame through the hearts , souls and minds of those tyrants, that the truth of their actions becomes so repulsive to them that they turn toward and are enfolded in the Christed Light of Love . May they awaken in Consciousness NOW!!


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    Myriel RAouine

    Thank you so much for sharing and participation, dearest Ishema and Peggy! Our visions are marching 1:1, Peggy. NOW is the time of not only humanity's LIBERATION but of complete SURRENDER of all evil forces to the LIGHT, too. The Planet is being cleansed and purified by our shere PRESENCE. And whenever we join forces, our individual Divinity is manyfoldly MULTIPLIED in impact and radiation TOGETHER AS ONE.

    We have reached an entirely new level of vibration by now so there is lots of NEW TERRITORRY to be tested. Most of all, we are challenged by our Emotional Body which is becoming more and more sensitive and thus we can PERCEIVE much more than we did before. But we must train our Potential to become fully active co-creators in the Devine Design.

    Blessings from ETERNITY to ETERNITY,

    Sonja Myriel
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      Myriel RAouine

      In deep gratitude to ALL who have participated in our light transmission for Austria I send you all BLESSINGS from my eternal SOUL and I AM PRESENCE in TRUTH and DIVINITY,

      Sonja Myriel