AA Zadkiel & The Violet Ray

Want to learn more about the Violet Ray of Transmutation ad Freedom and how to invoke and work with? Come in and join us in our quest :-)

8 Pointed Star Violet Flame Meditation By Joanna

8 Pointed Star Violet Flame Meditation By Joanna

Greetings beautiful LoveLights  https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-smileys/twemoji/2/72x..." alt="🙂" class="m_2521811814620574613wp-smiley CToWUd" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;"/>

Welcome all newcomers, and loving thanks as always to everyone bringing your Inner Divine Light through these meditations. Today, we're continuing with the 8-Point Star of Divine Order, to anchor ongoing stabilization of the upward shifts in vibration in the New Earth Grid (the composite light-grid generated through the Heart of Gaia in union with all loving Hearts). And we'll also focus with the Violet Flame, the Flame of Transformation, that clears dense energies and transmutes them into pure Universal Love.

https://lovelightmeditationcircle.files.wordpress.com/2019/02/300-3..." class="m_2521811814620574613attachment-thumbnail m_2521811814620574613size-thumbnail CToWUd" alt="" width="150" height="146" border="0"/>

So begin with breathing deeply into your heart and gently relax. Breathe…relax…know you are cradled in the eternal Love Light of Source and countless guiding, supporting, protecting Beings of Love….cradled in the pure Light of your Soul….connected in every moment with the Heart of beloved Gaia, and with all assisting groups and higher dimensional light-grids around this planet and Solar System.

Feel yourself bathed, embraced and always supported by the infinite Love of your Soul, your soul families in the higher dimensional layers of Light, by those guiding and guarding the planetary Shift, and the eternal Source of all Life. Deep joy flows with this loving group and all around the Earth focusing for ascension, within this great Wave of Loving Transformation.

Feel the warmest, most peaceful love-light filling you as you breathe in, and feel this light radiating from you like a Star as you breathe out, serene, blissful, in harmony with the Universe.

Honour the divine soul expression of the Infinite Source you are ~ we all are ~ all life is ~ and as you breathe in the Light of Oneness, and breathe out, hold the intention of the Violet Flame alight in your Heart centre, vibrant, steady, clearing and purifying all energies.

https://lovelightmeditationcircle.files.wordpress.com/2019/02/viole..." class="m_2521811814620574613attachment-thumbnail m_2521811814620574613size-thumbnail CToWUd" alt="" width="150" height="99" border="0"/>

Now visualize or hold the intention that you are standing within an 8-pointed Star, as if you are standing in a star-shaped doorway, and that this ‘star-doorway’ is flowing all around with a fine stream of blue and golden light. Within and through this doorway flows the vibration of inherent sacred order, the continuously organizing and re-organizing wave sequences that appear as harmonious, balanced, beautiful geometries within life, all around us.

https://lovelightmeditationcircle.files.wordpress.com/2019/02/300-3..." alt="300-3002356_celtic-8-pointed-star - Copy - Copy (2) - Copy" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto; margin-bottom: 12px; clear: both; display: block; margin: 0 auto; padding: 4px; background-color: white; border: 1px solid #ccc;" width="251" height="244" border="0"/>

Expand the Violet Flame in your Heart, until it fills this 8-pointed Star around you, and let it radiate out around the planet through this harmonizing, divinely organizing vibration, with love, joy and kindness, for all humanity and all living beings. Breathe in love, breathe out love, breathe in the Violet Flame, breathe out the Violet Flame, let it shine through your star doorway, effortlessly, naturally transforming all energies into Unconditional Love.

https://lovelightmeditationcircle.files.wordpress.com/2019/02/vflam..." class="m_2521811814620574613attachment-thumbnail m_2521811814620574613size-thumbnail CToWUd" alt="" width="150" height="143" border="0"/>

Through the centre of the star rosette of your 8-pointed star, invite the pure White Light of Ascension to flow through your star doorway, then imagine this star revolving in a gentle spin, with your Heart centre as the ‘zero point’, aligning Divine Order through 8D, through the 4D vortex, vibrating to all life and all co-creations the message of inherent divine order into the 3-4D layers of life.

Know that this message is grounding through your whole being with the Heart of Gaia, vibrating sacred transformation and organizing into clear, exquisite light-geometries through every strand of DNA-RNA in your body, every molecule of water within your body, through all of us holding this meditation focus together, radiating this vibration through the planetary field to all life.

We are the Violet Flame of Transformation, Stars of Clear Light in the Divine Weave of Life, aligning New Earth creations in this Now through the Clarity-in-Love we are. We call on all assisting Divine Lights radiating from the Source to amplify and magnify this unified intention for the Highest Good of All. And So BE it.

Love & Gratitude to you, dear friends, lovers and anchors of Ascension on Earth and everywhere, through all the dimensions of Light, with thanks to Archangel Zadkiel, St Germain & all Keepers of the Violet Flame, and to all assisting Beings of Love,

Joanna & Ashura,&Tanabor  https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-smileys/twemoji/2/72x..." alt="❤" class="m_2521811814620574613wp-smiley CToWUd" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;"/>


Video - "Let The Light Language & AA Metatron Spin The Metatron Cube For Your Spiritual Upliftment" -  https://youtu.be/apCFt0bLP9o