Mary Magdalene and the Crystal Rose of Peace

Celia Fenn about the Opening of the Rose Stargate and other universal impacts.

You Are Now The Change You Wish To See By Mary Magdalene Via Lea Chapin

Merry Christmas With Infinite Blessings of Divine Love, Light, Peace, Joy, & Abundance to All of You Throughout The New Year,

Steven Hutchinson

You Are Now The Change You Wish To See By Lea Chapin

Mary Magdalene's Holy Family Messages .....

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. Yeshua is here as well. We say to you Dear Children of the Light, that this is a very special time, and we thank you for allowing us to become a part of your own family of light. We are all here by Divine Appointment and by Divine Purpose to help assist humanity to rise in consciousness, and to help Mother Gaia to ascend into her rightful place and position as the planet of love.

Today as each of you move forward into this holiday season, celebrating the birth of Dear Yeshua, as you anticipate the excitement of a new year and a new frequency and a new vibration, we ask you to begin to hold your intentions very firmly today in your mind of what you wish to create and what you wish to bring forward.

This is truly a powerful vibration frequency that is being emitted upon the planet at this time. So many of the lightworkers are being infused with this clearing, and as you know, there has been so much transformation upon the planet. Each of you have gone through a major shift of consciousness within your own vibratory frequency, that it is of grave importance for each of you to hold this level of joy, excitement and expectancy within your being.

Dear Ones, please take a deep, inhaling breath and begin to breathe in the vibration of joy, calling in this frequency, holding the essence of joy within your being. Joy is the totality of all that is, it is the energy of the God essence. As you begin to feel this vibration, you are able to begin to tap into the God essence, and to begin to feel the excitement and the frequency of the Great Creator.

Please allow yourself to feel this essence, to feel this essence, and to feel the light of God’s energy upon your soul. Take a deep, deep, deep breath and begin to breathe, holding in the light, holding in the love, holding this as if you are holding it within your breath. Infusing your body with this vibrational frequency of joy. Allowing every cell, every fiber, every pore of your being to be infused with joy.

Feel the excitement and energy of divine joy in action, allowing your heart to open and your mind to be healed, allowing the energy and the essence of peace, tranquility and joy to enter into your physicality. Simply breathe. Breathe in the vibration of joy. Joy to the world, joy to the world, joy to the world.

As you may realize, Dearest Children, there is a veil that has been lifted, as the energy upon this planet is now set free, so that all of us are now able to receive the light, love, and the energy from Mother/Father/God and the Galactic Brothers and Sisters, and the Angelic Realm, and all the family of light that has been assisting this planet.

Breathe these new frequencies and new light codes in and feel them become part of you, allowing you and all souls to be able to move forward into their pathway with grace and ease. It is as if the doors have been unlocked and all are set free.

So you see, Dearest Children, this is the excitement that people are feeling at a subconscious, or perhaps even on a conscious level, they are feeling this level of excitement into this new year of 2019, that there is something that is new, there is something that is happening, there is something that is different, there is something that is able to now set all free to move forward into their rightful place, and to move into the work that they have agreed to do. And all are now moving forward into their mission work, and completing their soul pathway with grace and ease. I ask you to breathe this vibration in, call it into your heart. Call it into your heart and allow yourself to feel free.

Truly know that all is in order and all is as it should be. Simply begin to breathe into the light, and into the love, and into this frequency of great joy. Be joy for yourself and the world. The world has now been set free.

Know Dearest Ones that whatever has been holding you back, perhaps in your own mind, perhaps in your own belief system, perhaps energy that has been stuck within your body, is now able to be set free. Begin to feel this vibration and this energy moving through you, allowing yourself to clear out the old patterns and the old imprints and the old frequencies that no longer serve you. Perhaps memories, unforgiveness, resentment, lack, pain, sorrow, whatever it might be.

Take a deep breath and release this, as the energy of transformation is now moving through you. Breathe my children, breathe. Breathe this energy through you and into everything that comes into your awareness as you do so. Call this light and this frequency of joy in its jubilance and its lightness, for as the blocks clear out, you begin to feel a vibration of lightness throughout your being.

Begin to allow yourself to feel the expectancy and the anticipation that your life as you know it will soon begin to change for the better, that everything will begin to fall into place one by one by one. Your heart’s desires shall be met and manifested. One by one by one.

Truly now, Dearest Children, let go and let God. Each and every day we ask you to hold this intention of the vibration and the excitement of joy, until your manifested desires come into fruition. Be in gratitude and give thanks in advance that what you desire is made manifest.

Dear Sons and Daughters of Light, it is of grave importance to honor the blessed soul that you are, to begin to feel your magnificence, to know that you are a creator and co-creator with the Great Supreme One, and that it is truly your birthright to receive. Letting go and letting God. Letting go and letting God.

Truly allowing yourself to receive, as you open your heart to the pure blessings that are now bestowed upon you. Feel this energy, feel this frequency, feel this love. Feel the light as this vibration of joy now begins to settle within your heart, and as you feel the excitement, feel the anticipation of this powerful frequency emitting through your soul.

I ask you at this time to seal this energy within your very essence, and imagine that this energy of joy is surrounding your auric field, surrounding your physical body, and you are a living beacon of joy, bringing joy to others. Joy to the world. With every step that you take you are infusing this vibration into the earth.

This is how peace shall prevail, and this is how others will open their hearts to this frequency. With every step that you are taking you are imprinting and infusing the vibration of joy into Mother Gaia. She is now able to ascend into the vibration of peace, love and joy, as you are also able to ascend with her, as you ascend in consciousness, you are holding this vibration within your being.

Now at this time, allow your heart to open, and all that is in need and suffering receive your love and joy. Can you imagine that this energy of joy is being flooded onto the earth? That the energy that you are bringing forward is affecting your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your children, all those you love. The earth itself. All lifeforms. Can you feel this energy as you are now emitting it onto the planet? As if wave upon wave upon wave of joy is now being released from your auric field, and you are creating and bringing happiness to those around you.

You are now the change you wish to see. So Dear Ones, begin to feel this within your heart, and know that the time has come for this planet and all lifeforms to be free. Yeshua and I, along with many others, have infused this energy of balance & joy upon the earth plane. Today as we celebrate the birth of Christ, as we celebrate this time and the season of my beloved, it is of grave importance that we gift you this vibration and frequency of joy.

Time and time again, humanity has suffered, and has lost the connection to joy. Today as this is being brought forth, may all begin to receive and feel it within their hearts. And may it remain not just a temporary, elusive feeling, but a permanent and everlasting vibration that you hold and carry within your being.

You will begin to see the changes around the world, you will begin to see the changes in peoples’ attitudes, you will begin to see the excitement as people begin to realize that they are here and that their dreams and desires are manifesting, and they are able to shift their consciousness, with purpose and intent.

Today, Dearest Ones, hold this collective intention for peace and love and joy to prevail upon this planet. Peace, love and joy. Hold this intention for your own lives, and for all those that you love, that they seek and so shall they find.Today, Dearest Ones, all of you are beautiful conduits of light, and you are affecting this earth far more than you can imagine. So we ask you to hold this frequency within your heart and be at peace. Be still and know that you are loved. Feel the essence and the presence of God’s living light upon your soul.

Today is a day of powerful transformation. If you so agree, you will now shift your vibration into the frequency of joy, and your life will become a living mantra, and miracles and magic shall occur. Just as Yeshua has given his new teachings, the new essence of his teachings at our last gathering, as he has given this gift to each of you, we now ask that you call in this last vibration of joy that he has gifted. It is truly the completion of the soul journey. When one is able to find joy within their life and remain consistently happy and joyful, and be present in this vibration, they have become a master, a living master, walking upon this earth plane with joy within their hearts.

All lifeforms and all sentient beings are ready to live in their full expression, and to be at peace. So Dearest Children if you find the strength to honor yourself, and to acknowledge that you are worthy to receive these divine gifts, it is divine timing. For as we have said, the veil has been lifted, the darkness over this planet has been transmuted, and the new energies are able to supersede and to transform all that is not of the light.

So the beautiful light particles of the Great I AM & Divine Joy are now entering upon this planet like snowflakes falling from the sky. You can see a shift in the consciousness of even what we call the hardest of hearts, and begin to feel this, as if something has overtaken them, and there is love and joy within the air.

So Dearest Ones feel the excitement and the anticipation, and feel the presence of the God essence living within your soul. Every moment begin to feel the energy of God, the energy of joy, that is the essence of God. Feel it within your heart.

Extend your hand to your brother and sister, to those in need. Feel their peace, feel their love, feel their kindness, and yes, extend your hand to those who need your love.

Dear Ones as we allow you to feel this vibration, begin to see your hearts and awareness now opening into the crystalline core of Mother Earth, into the very heartbeat off the Mother.

Your heart is now beating in resonance with the Great Earth Mother. Feel her compassion, feel her love, feel her joy as she thanks you for your service and dedication onto her and all of life. This is a day that God has gifted you, this is a day that Yeshua has gifted you. As you receive these frequencies, and the new gifts that Yeshua has brought to you and to the earth, first beginning with love and ending with joy, feel this presence within your heart. May you welcome this new year and the excitement and the anticipation of sharing your joy with others.

Each of you have a special assignment, a special purpose and a special mission. Begin to open your heart and begin to feel it, as you are teachers and leaders, healers and wayshowers.

Know that for many of you your work has yet to begin, and you are supported by the energy of all that is. Never give up on your hopes and your dreams, allow yourself to see the manifested energy come forth, easily and effortlessly, in divine grace.

One by one by one each of you shall move forward into the divine alignment to the truth of who you are. You will feel this presence and essence of all that is. This is an extremely powerful time and this message is of great significance. We cannot bring it lightly to you, we ask you to consider this as truth, that you are truly co-creators with the God essence, and that the energy is there available to you to co-create and to bring all your dreams and desires into manifestation. This is our gift to you, this is our gift to humanity.

We know that it has been a long journey for many, and yet the struggle is over. The time is now. Peace shall truly prevail upon your soul. Your hearts will open with this beautiful blossoming of energy.

As if you are like a new, young budding rose bud, blossoming into your beauty. And your life is anew and rich, with the power of your spirit, and you are holding the vibration of joy for all the world to see and all the world to know.

Begin to feel your beauty, begin to feel your strength, begin to feel your commitment to yourself, to your mission, to your purpose, to the energy of the Great Creator and to Mother Gaia. Yeshua and I are honored and we are blessed to stand with you, as you leave the old energy behind and move into this new year of 2019 with the energy, the vitality of the beautiful spirit that you are...the young, beautiful spirit that first came to this planet with eagerness and anticipation. You will be reborn again into your spirit, renewed again into your spirit. You will feel this excitement and this expectancy and this joy as you now enter in to this state of grace.

Glory to you, Dearest Children, that you have allowed yourself to shift yourself into this beautiful frequency of joy. Joy to the world, joy to the world, joy to the world. Spread it wherever you go and be at peace. Thank you for the living light that you are, go now my children, and until we speak again, remember, we stand with you and we stand in the frequency of the Great Godhead, which is truly the energy of joy. Go forth and be at peace.

Video - "Experience The Levels & Dimensions Of Your Christ Consciousness"

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    Myriel RAouine

    Thank you so much for sharing, Steve! May Holy, Love and Peace SPREAD with every awaking soul adding its LIGHT to the WORLD!
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      Steve Hutchinson

      And thanks for sharing that beautiful prayer Sonja...and may every soul awaken to God's Presence within themselves, then within others as well.
