Lightgrid Tech Support

Hi Lightgrid Members

Welcome to Lightgrid Technical Support ~

This group is for sharing/posting helpful hints, questions and suggestions to all 'Lightgrid-ers', with regard to technical issues.

ALL are welcomed and encouraged to post questions, answers, comments and suggestions to all that is here.

Thank you for your presence and sharing.


Lightgrid Team

How to create an ALBUM / SLIDE SHOW:

How to create an ALBUM / SLIDE SHOW:

 Click on this link here - or open the subtab PHOTOS beneath the tab NEWS. Here you can upload pictures onto our lightgrid site. Click the button "Add" in the upper right corner and then choose the pictures from your computer that you would like to upload and click "Upload".

This brings you to a page called "EDIT uploaded pictures" - You can now rotate the picture, give it a title and describe what you would like to say about it. Beneath the photo(s) you can then sum up several photos in an ALBUM - Give it a title, write a short description or add a link to relevant posts, and if you like, tag the pictures and provide a location. Click "SAVE" and that was it :-)

You can now either post links to this page by copying the URL in the above page address, or you can copy the EMBED code of your slide show and post the slideshow onto any text box of your choosing. 

If you wish to create an ALBUM from older photos, follow this link here:

Click "ADD" and follow the instructions. It's as simple as drag and drop :-)

Hope that could help you! If you need further help, do not hesitate to ASK, please.


Sonja Myriel