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Sacred Correspondance ~ Animal Synchronicity...CaT Love

Had to share this:

  by Arleem Nirmala 8 hours ago

Thank you my Dear sister AyAnna,I very often dream sequences of numbers....

LOve you 


~  Miss  EARTH   A.  Kitty ~

Hi ~Arleem!!!

How are you??? Writing this, (rt now), seeing you as a universe, in motion, :-).

OMG!!!! That is amazing...your 'Angel Cat' image and the pic of this cat.

New to our 'Franklin Feline Shelter' family (is a white cat-previously abused stray, that my daughter found, fed for a couple of months and then begged that we adopt).

She looks EXACTLY like your pic above!!!!

God Bless her, the past scars were immense and initially she was incredibly violent. She has yet to integrate with the other animals and is the only animal I've seen act this way (it's been 4-6 months now).

 She's all white with green eyes. Cat specialist told us that it's very RARE and that albino cats have blue eyes only.

2-3 weeks into her being here, then I realize...she is a sacred animal. Working with and giving her lots of love, while praying that her temperament calms.  We were looking to find her a good home with experienced, very patient animal/cat lovers (the other animals aren't able to go onto the patio area now and they miss it very much).

Of course it's possible that this may be a permanent HOME ~  Seeing your pic above...I think so ;-).

My daughter calls her kitty so I've officially named her :  Miss  Earth  A.  Kitty

Next day, official name:              EARTH  A>  Kitty

Thank you SO much Arleem !!!  That you are, that you are here and for our friendship.

By the way, I'm fluent in numbers too. Started seeing numbers and number patterns a few years ago and now it's like it's own language.

By the way, Miss Kitty,  makes cat #11  {interesting huh...111, 1111, 11}. We'll see what flows ~~~~

Love you,

A ~


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