Lightgrid Tech Support

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Welcome to Lightgrid Technical Support ~

This group is for sharing/posting helpful hints, questions and suggestions to all 'Lightgrid-ers', with regard to technical issues.

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Lightgrid Team

Solar Flares and computers

Solar Flares are Electromagnetic storms they seem to  happen quite often 

This is a real time Solar X-ray status monitor

Solar X-rays:

Geomagnetic Field:


this is what we can see about the sun when it goes wild or exhaust a flare

When you cannot get things open or post something its not your fault, unfortunately its not the host fault either, You receive a invitation from someone that is no one , your computer seems to have a mind of its own , its notmal and unfortunately it will become more and more intense as the days, weeks go on .

You may have intense headache, or feeling sleepy, or your eyelids are heavy its because of this intense radiation. Now i dont know if you know that you have junk DNA in your DNA well its not JUNK DNA, its being completed with the flares of 2012,  

Basically you have 2 stains of DNA that will mutate into 3 and the missing parts are being completed by this solar radiation, no it will not kill humans but will probably kill every thing that works electric/electronic  from now to the end of this year. so this could explain why your Computer is acting up, or why the site doesn't seem to function properly. As for your DNA well your star brother and sisters are making sure that you can do this ascension with your bodys  intact or better yet as we call it into a crystalline form of DNA . If you are here you know the power of the crystals and this is why we are all awakening to this new coming its the end of the world of the old ways old thinking, 

You are being connected to Mother Gaia, Father Sun and all nature its important to ground yourself to not become a little insane, if you have shivers and so on, remember you can heal your own body its not a sickness its the ascension syndrome ... il be passing by here everyday if any need some questioning, some came from the stars as star children some came from angelic realms, some have many lives lived on earth , i came from the elemental realms, and i understand what you are going into, they made me feel everything that you are going right now, some are just awakening also 

So the best is to have fun with these anomalous flares or to sleep it off dont go to negative thoughts and be happy knowing this will make your life easy oppose to not knowing this ...

hugz and love and light xx

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    Renate B.H. Twil

    Like Jewel White, extreme dehydration at night, almost painful to swallow.  Also waking up tired. My computor has been very slow to start some days, I thought something was wrong. Next day it was fine.  I'm glad to hear others are having the same experiences. Keep drinking Medicine of Light water and staying  focused on positive thoughts is my solution. Thank you for posting Steven.  LOL

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      sheena ann baker

      I am waking with a dry mouth and aching throat, awake most of the night, when there are solar flares i get restless leg syndrome, i know what i want to do and that is to pound onto the earth to ground me, but i am living in a flat at the moment so can,t do that, i have a small trampoline and last night i was jumping on that, about 3am, its all good, we are helping to put earth right,

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        It's great to have an explanation, and as we are UNITED in the ONENESS, I'm now not surprised to hear that people from all over the world are not just effected, but ASCENDING.
