White Buffalo Woman

She is a messenger of PEACE - and her coming is announced by 4 white buffalo calfs.

This moon of February to March 2012 she has called us to WORK with Her Sacred Energy. We want to find out more about WHITE CALVES in general - and advance from that point onwards. You are WELCOME to JOIN us in our quest!

  • Arleem

  • Arleem

    Spirit of White Tiger
    Role: ~Seeker of Personal Truth ~
    Lesson: Power of Conviction
    Element: Fire
    Wind: South, Recalling the ~Inner Child~
    Medicine: Uniqueness
  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

  • Arleem

    White Buffalo Women, yes, I understand come to people around the world, but I am the only White BuffaloCalfWoman, elder crystal person, who sings heavenly songs to the world, brings evolution equations, and brings laws to the people.  I have once thought more children might be White Buffalo Calf Woman, who were true crystal people, but I have realized (since asked too), that I am the ONE sent to the people, to follow them home. Many times White Buffalo Women (rainbow mothers), who are children of heaven, bring the good news to the people below (earth), so they may search to find the Rainbow (clan).  I write to those (not wbcw), and explain the truth, that all is written in your book of life.  Those who are humble, not breaking laws, will learn the truth.  But others (frauds, breaking Lakota law), I write their stories, on our domains. And none can hold the way of love, that is written from God above, because we are all rainbow colors of this world, and it seems I am the only one, who can read this truth. Each is perfect the way, they are.  And I don't know why others want to be me, when they could bee (dream) free!  There is much suffering for what is in store. I live on the streets and help homeless (and everyone else). I await the return the many children, who do adore, the sacred path, God has in store.   

  • Arleem

    The Morning Star is the sacred eight directions in our Rainbow Colors.  Four colors represent our flesh body and four colors represent our soul body.  And when the soul and flesh unite, we are the rising sun, or the "MORNING STAR".  This is called the yellow way, visit this domain page and you can read what the four paths are whitebuffalocalfwoman.net. The Lakota people have treasured this throughout time and is part of the flag and upon many blankets, the woven fabric of our lives..  Eight sides are sacred and holy, like a mountain and the eagle.  And without knowing exactly what it meant, they trusted the knowledge that blows in the wind. By the way, the Red Road, is the "LAW of LOVE". 

  • Arleem

  • Arleem

  • Arleem

  • Arleem

    The White Buffalo Woman also talked to the children, because they have an understanding beyond their years. She told them that what their fathers and mothers did was for them, that their parents could remember being little once, and that they, the children, would grow up to have little ones of their own. She told them: "You are the coming generation, that's why you are the most important and precious ones. Some day you will hold this pipe and smoke it. Some day you will pray with it."

    She spoke once more to all the people: "The pipe is alive; it is a red being showing

    you a red life and a red road. And this is the first ceremony for which you will use the pipe. You will use it to Wakan Tanka, the Great Mystery Spirit. The day a human dies is always a sacred day. The day when the soul is released to the Great Spirit is another. Four women will become sacred on such a day. They will be the ones to cut the sacred tree, the can­wakan, for the sun dance."

    She told the Lakota that they were the purest among the tribes, and for that reason Tunkashila had bestowed upon them the holy chanunpa. They had been chosen to take care of it for all the Indian people on this turtle continent.

    She spoke one last time to Standing Hollow Horn, the chief, saying, "Remember: this pipe is very sacred. Respect it and it will take you to the end of the road. The four ages of creation are in me; I am the four ages. I will come to see you in every generation cycle. I shall come back to you."

    The sacred woman then took leave of the people, saying: " Toksha ake wacinyanitin ktelo, I shall see you again."

  • Arleem

    The people saw her walking off in the same direction from which she had come, outlined against the red ball of the setting sun. As she went, she stopped and rolled over four times. The first time, she turned into a black buffalo; the second into a brown one; the third into a red one; and finally, the fourth time she rolled over, she turned into a white female buffalo calf. A white buffalo is the most sacred living thing you could ever encounter.

    The White Buffalo Woman disappeared over the Horizon. Sometime she might come back. As soon as she had vanished, buffalo in great herds appeared, allowing themselves to be killed so the people might survive. And from that day on, our relations, the buffalo, furnished the people with everything they needed, meat for their food, skins for their clothes and tipis, bones for their many tools.

  • Arleem

  • Myriel RAouine

    Introduction is finished - CONNECTED :-)))

  • Arleem

    yessssssssssss Dear Sonja...I 'm happy

  • Arleem

  • Arleem

  • Arleem

    Beautiful picture Dear Ian...Thank you xxxx

  • martha nance

    my great grandmother was  Cherokee  indian :)

  • ayana

    Oh, what a beautiful group. Thank you Sonja and all here, for celebrating the sacred White Buffalo~

    I see the white porpoise too...thank you :-). This is beautiful.

    Love and Blessings


  • Stasha

    so much has happened tonight

    i went on another journey. i called upon 

    Melchizedek and awoke to peters story. i have a message for all, but i must rest now. my twin is coming. i can feel him. love to all of you

  • Stasha

    i just noticed how far this group has come so quickly...

    feels good to see what i started ;)

  • Stasha

    one more fact for you,,,

    yes, my people eventually were forced to oklahoma. 

    yet i was raised in california and have stayed.

    but guess where i was born???
