THE KEY TO INFINITY:- Each microcosmic world is a cell in the Macrocosm, a crystal fragment of the Greater Crystal, reflecting a portion of His glory. Each man is a manifestation of God, the image of the higher Cosm reflect in the lower cosm. The key to infinity is won through the mastery of the lesser self by the power of the Greater Self. This is the power of the Superconscious Ego over the ego, of God the Macrocosm over man the microcosm. Through man’s correct use of the sacred gifts of life, including free will, his consciousness in the microcosm can identify with the fullness of God’s consciousness in the Macrocosm. But first it is essential that he learn how to make the contact, how to establish and maintain his relationship with the Superconscious Ego. Wish you Great day with love and light to all my Divine Friends. Tercy

  • Richard Levison

    The key to infinity is embracing meditation and are supra-consciousness.