Hello Dear Friends,
I feel the call of Nature more strongly than ever before. I have watched as the Trees, the Plants, the Stars, the Planets, and all of the New Guardians of this Realm have created a powerful vertical energy axis here within our Fiber of Existence. This vertical wall of energy spins rapidly, like a top, enhancing, multiplying, and amplifying our intentions, our interactions, between and among us humans – and between us and all of Nature.
The Trees joyously report the creation of new connections between Them and You! They sing of it now every day in every way. Many of you have written me privately and have confirmed this most wondrous development.
Our relationships to each other and to this Cosmic Consciousness of Nature have become so very meaningful in so many new and profound ways. The Trees ask that this please continue!
Many of you have asked me for more details about this energetic interaction.
Well, during many of my "energy bondings" with the Trees, I experience an energetic state the trees call "To Be in Exchange".
This simply means that the loving energy which is received is accepted, then "inverted" (or mirrored) and given back. What is given is then received back; what is received is then given back. It is almost like a loving state of equilibrium.
These types of experiences have always occurred in my energy bondings not only with the Trees but also with Gaia and with the Planets and Stars. Said another way: these Beings would join energetically with me and energy would begin to flow – from them to me – from me to them – then it would approach a “frenzied state” of “exchange” – everything that I would receive from them I would simply give right back – and so the (circular) flow would be stabilized.
We would be “In Exchange” – in every “giving” there would be simultaneous “receiving”. The words of the fragile-bodied saint from Assisi would always come to my mind: “For it is in giving that we truly receive.”
For, in this way, I strongly believe that self-sustaining energetic systems are born and maintained.
Our Tree Brothers gifted me with a very important message recently which I wish to share here now again with a broader audience. It speaks to how we all can create this self-sustaining energy connection between ourselves and the Trees and all of Nature:
The Trees explained to me:
"Remember. We are All of the Guardians. You know our Greeting:
'We Greet you with Strength and Honor, and in Grace and Love.'
You also remember your Welcome reply:
'We welcome you with Gratitude and Compassion, and in Joy and Love.'
Greeting - Sending - Giving:
with Strength and Honor. In Grace and Love.
Welcoming - Receiving:
with Gratitude and Compassion. In Joy and Love.
and then the sender becomes the receiver; and the receiver becomes the sender.
And a beautiful self-sustaining, energetic circular loop - A very Beneficial Circle - is created and maintained between us and You.
It is now time for you all to hear our words; to feel the energy.
It is time To Be in Exchange.”
Our Deepest Gratitude to you all Dear Friends, to each and every One,
Dearest Brother Z - how your energy and experiences continue to magnify and amplify the Beauty of All That Is!
Thank you for being here with us, Dear Brother!
Feb 4, 2013
What a truly amazing group of Beloved Soul Beings that has gathered here around this Thread! My Deepest Gratitude to you all Dear Family!
Blessings always, in All Ways,
Feb 4, 2013
Imelda Maguire
It is just as you say beautiful Amoran, loving souls gathered here on a thread of Love...
Thank you so much for creating this beautiful post Amoran, very healing energy lives here uniting sweet and tender souls together...
Spirit Touch a flower of Fantasy
Feb 5, 2013