Its simple ~ All events are created as "POTENTIAL". If the collective consciousness vibrates higher, transformation is faster ~ otherwise momentum is built up for another "POTENTIAL" All predictions depends on how we respond as collective consciousness. Predictions are TRUE at the moment it is predicted, and its outcome is in our hands ~ Each one of us on Mother Earth ~ its we who make it or otherwise. All the help from cosmos is made available to us ~ we fail to honor it ~
So know that "POTENTIAL" needs more n more collective consciousness. :::::
As all these incredible shifts and light flows are opening up more and more people’s hearts. Everyone is being given the opportunity, or challenge depending on how you look at it, to love and accept what’s going down right now in our own life and world.
Time for us to really do something about this, it requires your inner awareness and divinity to be utilised.
To continually remind yourself to see the experiences of others as beautifuland divine, and to see them as whole and healed, at peace with open hearts.
Don’t buy into the fear, their fear, your fear.
Move beyond it by keeping awareness of how you feel about yourself and the outside world at all times.
If negative change it to Love, it’s up to each of us, we have the power and the power is Love.
And once you have unified yourself enough; loved your darkness, owned your light and come from love then if you watch the TV news, read newspapers and all the other brainwashing and propaganda, seeing it with Love, looking at it all, each story only with love, no judgement, no reaction, no fear, no anger but Love.
Heal yourself and this world, you have the power of Love to do it.
Soluntra King
Do you want to enter paradise?
To walk the path of Truth
You need the grace of God.
We all face death in the end.
But on the way, be careful
Never to hurt a human heart!
– Rumi
Oct 24, 2015
Myriel RAouine
Oct 25, 2015
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
Thank you Mukesh for this inspiring message,
To walk with love is so important!
With love,
Oct 26, 2015
Greetings ^ Love Dear All :: 2015 will slip as 2016 will make its entry ~ Awareness ^ awakening ^ Universal Love.
2+0+1+6 = 9 Magical Number. True the year is going to be magical. Hearts will jus flutter open. Experience the Magical relationship of faith and eternity. The inner Light will shine Bright as souls will lean towards selflessness, (genersous and kind).
A new relationship with every soul will be experienced ~one of being of the same source.
Here we are on paradise of mirages. Many mirages will be shattered, Truth will rise with plenty of opportunity.
But one has to accept and embrace these opportunities.
Once again simplicity in life will take lead. Mere faith and patience will open several doors.
Love is the way to Unconditional Love. As we realise that each soul is nothing but Unconditional Love.
The Oneness aspect of creation n creator will be felt strongly.
AUM ~ AUM ~ AUM ::
Dec 13, 2015
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
Yes! These are encouraging words. Thank you for this beautiful post.
Once again simplicity in life will take lead. Mere faith and patience will open several doors.
Love is the way to Unconditional Love. As we realise that each soul is nothing but Unconditional Love.
Love and Light,
Dec 13, 2015
Imelda Maguire
Hello Mukesh,
It has indeed been a very long time since I have been to the potential page here with you, seems there is some catching up to do for sure!
It appears that I am following you Ishema for some reason... you are indeed good company for sure as is your attention to Mukeshes post;
Once again simplicity in life will take lead. Mere faith and patience will open several doors.
Love is the way to Unconditional Love. As we realise that each soul is nothing but Unconditional Love.
Ahh, the simplicity of life will take the lead, yes, yes...
Love is the way to Unconditional Love. As we realise that each soul is nothing but Unconditional Love.
Yes... yes...
Thank you Mukesh and Ishema
Much love to you both
Dec 14, 2015
Myriel RAouine
Dec 14, 2015
Imelda Maguire
All One Divine Connection!
~Big Hug and Bigger Smile
Dec 15, 2015
Simplicity is Great Potential ~
Jun 12, 2016
This France episode.. ya.. We all have to accept the gruesome nature of the incident. We have to allow it to settle down. I know it is easier said than done. It affects us in unknown ways. Some of us who are sensitive will be connected to that part of the beautiful earth directly..and we experience her directly. Her bloodied body is ours too.
BUT...i am not willing to give up hopes on this earth, i am not willing to give up hopes on a better loving humanity. I will keep my dreams of a better earth alive and kicking. What about you ? No..i will NOT budge nor shake on this dream of a paradise on earth. I am standing my grounds.. because i know it is possible. All of us just need to understand that every such episode will have a higher perspective and we need to become a witness to it.
We meditate, we work on our growth each day.. that is a gift to ourself and also a gift to this lovely earth. But..maybe we can try one of Soluntra king s beautiful ways. Just for ten minutes in a day we can make an effort to see this earth drenched, dripping , in golden light . Bombard her with your strong intense golden light. and your love. And if we do this each day... why will it not work ? Our thoughts, our intents,our love, our mental energies have the power, the capacity to hasten the way to the new earth. Maybe we should try seeing her in golden light each day.. At the moment this is the best we can offer to her.
Jul 17, 2016
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
Dear Mukesh,
I agree that if we meditate every day on drenching our Beloved Earth in Golden Light, it will create a New Loving World!
I wrote a poem about this, keeping in mind the esoteric teaching that this is a Cosmic Time for the unfoldment of Love. The Love spoken about is a Great Magnetic Energy that draws all together in harmony and beauty.
May this Golden Light drench all Life on our Beloved Earth!
Jul 17, 2016
Myriel RAouine
What a powerful poem Ishema! - and thank you for sharing, dear Mukesh - NOW is the time to come together in UNISON and LOVE through the grid of light!
This Full Moon let's create MIRACLES!
LOVE eternal,
Sonja Myriel
Jul 17, 2016
your poetry is a powerful potential Now is the time
When Love will manifest
And humanity must play our part
Letting go of all
That divides us
so much potential : God's Divinity in ACTION NOW - WE ARE! ~ experience UNITY with all that IS ...
Light ^ Love ^ Hugs.
Jul 17, 2016
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
Thank you Mukesh and Sonja for your loving and supportive comments,
Light, Love and Hugs to you both!
Jul 17, 2016
Myriel RAouine
I feel mySELF speaking through you, dearest Mukesh - WE ARE THE PILLARS OF LIGHT, the ANHCORS OF LIGHTGRID - WE ARE!
Tranmuting all negative impacts into positive POTENTIAL - WE ARE!
Sonja Myriel
Jul 18, 2016
Silence ~ The Highest Potential ~ Portal of Love ~
Your eyes closed ~ in peace n silence ~ you are surrounded by the formless Light ~
Light grows brighter n brighter ~ you dissolve in Light ~ You are Bliss.
Lots of Love, Warm Hugs
Sep 6, 2016
the song and dance of ONENESS is all pervading ~ open your hearts, n U R there.
Love ~ Love ` Love ~ Love ~ Love ~ Love ~ Love ~ Love ~ Love
Sep 6, 2016
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
This is a great message Mukesh.
Love ~ Love ` Love ~ Love ~ Love ~ Love ~ Love ~ Love ~ Love
Sep 7, 2016
Love ~ Love ~ Love > Love is the only one, for every word, every technique, every thing and every one is nothing but Love ~ you may follow anyone, anything ultimately the door is L O V E ~ Love is the potential that exists yet does not. Do what ever you want, follow what ever you want, the peak is LOVE, yet Love is nothing. < you are a potential dissolving into potential of nothingness > Love Love Love.
Ishema ji thank you for lovely message and loving one too. Hugs to all.
Oct 16, 2016
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
Love to All,
Love, Ishema
Oct 16, 2016
Love n Hugs ~ One n only one Exists ~
Oct 18, 2016
U R the Master Alchemist ~
this is your truth and potential
Formless to Form to Formless
Dec 18, 2016
Dear All in Oneness ~ Namaste ~ Gratitude n Love ~ from 2016 to 2018 there is sea change in potential, potential has blossomed and bloomed and continues to bloom ~ Light has integrated more than ever and one can feel as Light. One feels no differences but Oneness with all that is around. This is the path we walk as one in Oneness. We are source, we are creator n creation. Let this feeling sink deep down deep within. The outcome will be what each one is waiting for. Know that none exists apart from One. Share n Love,for you are sharing with self, and loving self. For Self is only One and you feel nothing else.
Lots of Love ~ Love ~ Love ~ Love ~ Love ~ Love ~ Love.
Aug 31, 2018
Become aware of the Light that you are
this awareness shines forth your Light
when you see Light all around
form gradually dissolves into formless
formless is very very simple needs nothing
formless is nothing n so is form eternally
the greatest practice is awareness
awareness springs from silence,
grows in silence and merges into silence
Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Shanti
Jan 24, 2019
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
Your image and poem is most beautiful Mukesh.
OM Shanti,
Jan 25, 2019
Dear Ishema Ji ~Namaste
Light in me greets the Light in you
Lots of Love n Warm Hugs.
Beautiful OM. Om Shanti.
Jan 25, 2019
Myriel RAouine
Jan 28, 2019
Namaste ~ How are you all ~ Hope Full of Love ~ I share Love with each one of you and send you a warm hug ~
Life journey is simple. Drop the veils of complications. One simple way ~ Faith. Unwavering faith. Dwell in Him every moment, losing your identity within Him. A Moment of non Duality.
Mar 1, 2019
Myriel RAouine
Sonja Myriel
Mar 4, 2019
Jul 2, 2019
Dearest Sonja Myriel ~ Lots of Love n Warm Hugs ~ Showers of His Grace and Bliss be on you eternally ~ His Light shines within to radiate without in Oneness. ~
Jul 2, 2019
Myriel RAouine
May all your blessings be returned to you a thousandfold, opening up the path to DIVINITY for you and ALL on the way!
LOVE ETNERNAL, dearest Mukesh, and thank you for your presence and support!
Sonja Myriel
Jul 3, 2019
Dearest Pranam Thank you ~ we are all behind the veil of our Truth. His Grace can only lift the veil. Let His Grace be on All to be in Oneness. ~ Let us flow with the flow ~ When a dry leaf from tree falls into river, it jut let go and flow with the water. We are like dry leaf and river is Lord. Let us flow. Love are we as One Love.
Jul 3, 2019
Jul 3, 2019
Ramana Maharishi ~ Tiruvanamalai : India.
the sole Brahman shines by itself as the Atman (Self) in the
feeling of ‘I-I’. Reach the Heart by diving within yourself, either
with control of breath, or with thought concentrated on the quest
of the Self. You will thus get fixed in the Self.
I have been saying all along that the Heart Centre is on
the right side, even when learned men differed from me. I
speak from experience. I knew it even in my home during my
trances (samadhi). Again during the incident recorded in SelfRealization, I had a very clear vision and experience. All of a sudden a light came from one side erasing the world-vision. I
felt that the heart on the left had stopped and the body became
blue and inert. Vasudeva Sastri embraced the body and wept over
my death, but I could not speak. All the time I was feeling that
the Heart Centre on the right was working as well as ever. This
state lasted fifteen or twenty minutes. Then suddenly something
shot out from the right to the left like a rocket bursting into the
sky. The blood resumed circulation and the normal condition
of the body was restored.
The entire universe is condensed in the body and the entire
body in the Heart. Thus the Heart is the nucleus of the whole
universe. This world is not other than the mind, the mind is not
other than the Heart; that is the whole truth.
The source is a point without any dimensions. It expands as
the cosmos on the one hand and as Infinite bliss on the other.
That point is the pivot. From it a single vasana starts and expands
as the experiencer (‘I’), the experience and the experienced (the
To Rama who questioned Vasishta: ‘Which is that big mirror
in which all these are mere reflections? What is the heart of
all souls or creatures in this universe?’ Vasishta replied: ‘All
creatures in this universe have two kinds of hearts — one to
be taken note of and the other ignored. Hear their respective
traits: The one to be ignored is the physical organ called the
heart which is situated in the chest as a part of the perishable
body. The one to be taken note of is the Heart which is of the
nature of consciousness. It is both inside and outside (us) and
has neither an inside nor an outside.’
This is the really important Heart. It is the mirror which holds
all reflections. It is the basis and source of all objects and all
kinds of wealth. Therefore, it is only that Consciousness, which
is the Heart of all, not that organ - a small part of the body, which
is insentient like a stone, and perishable. So one can achieve the
eradication of all desires and control of breath, by the practice
of merging the mind in the Heart, which is Pure Consciousness.
Concentrating one’s thoughts solely on the Self will lead
to happiness or bliss. Drawing in the thoughts, restraining
them and preventing them from going outwards is called
vairagya. Fixing them in the Self is sadhana or abhyasa
(practice). Concentrating on the Heart is the same as
concentrating on the Self. The Heart is another name for
the Self.
The Self is the Heart. The Heart is Self-luminous. Light arises
from the Heart and reaches the brain which is the seat of the
mind. The world is seen with the mind, that is by the reflected
light of the Self. It is perceived with the aid of the mind. When
the mind is illumined it is aware of the world. When it is not
itself so illumined, it is not aware of the world. If the mind is
turned inward towards the source of light, objective knowledge
ceases and the Self alone shines forth as the Heart.
The moon shines by the reflected light of the sun. When the
sun has set, the moon is useful for revealing objects. When the
sun has risen, no one needs the moon, although the pale disc of
the moon is still visible in the sky. So it is with the mind and
the Heart.
Jul 3, 2019
When one lives with one awareness ~ Omnipresent Light ~ the creation comes to naught. This nothing is.
Jul 10, 2019
Love n Warm Hugs ::
The Potential ::
the seed that you are is germinating
it is up to each one of us how we blossom and bloom
the way we blossom and bloom will the fragrance spread
our lives will receive the Grace of this fragrance
tread the path with Love
Jun 14, 2021
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
Thank you so much Mukesh for this warm message and beautiful images.
Jun 14, 2021
Namaste Ishema Ji ~ Thank you * Gratitude ~ Journey towards One Consciousness
Jun 15, 2021
Namaste ~ Light, Love n warm Hugs. ~ Beautiful changes since i posted last. The present days are more vibrating with the energies of Oneness. More n more souls are becoming aware of positive energies and some where are relating to Oneness ~ potential of Oneness is Universal Presence. At deep core inside, every soul has began to churn. It is moving towards Truth bit by bit. There is One Universal presence and we are all that one moving around ~ awareness is rising and blissful feeling is ruling the Heart { Not biological Heart but your Soul Heart *Spiritual Heart*). More Love is in the air ~ it is a feeling to accommodate as much as possible. Urge to support others and live in harmony, peace, joy ............ Feeling of knowing each other and familiarity with each other is growing. Your Potential of Oneness is Blossoming. Share your feelings, create the wings of freedom and rise like a phoenix ~ for your potential is at peak ~
Jun 14, 2022
missing you all ~ warm Hugs ~ our POTENTIAL to change ::
Jun 14, 2022
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
Thank you Mukesh for these inspiring posts.
Light, Love and Big Hugs for you my friend!
Jun 14, 2022
Dear Ishema Ji ~ Namaste ~ Light in me greets the Light in you ~ Big warm Hug Dear Friend
Jun 15, 2022
Light in me greets the Light in you ~ As Light we are all ONE ~ Formless. Our Potential * L O V E *.
Love is micro and macro, yet it is beyond Love. In formless exits everything in nothing. That is our potential and we are that. And for that there are no words. It is experience by itself without any expression.
Dec 20, 2022
Sending Love to one n all from heart to heart. Let the Light connect every heart and its glow engulf each one of us in entire Potential of Love transforming into an experience beyond Love.
Dec 20, 2022
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
Thank you Mukesh for this wonderful loving inspiration. Le'ts let love bubble up from our depths to bless all of our energy field.
Dec 21, 2022
Namaste. Thank you Ishema ji. So nice it is. Love n Light.
Dec 22, 2022
Namaste ~ Long time Dear Souls in Oneness ~ Happy Mahashivratri to all ~ Shivoham ~ Aum.
You are the potential hidden within " a resplendence, Consciousness, Omnipresent". One Consciousness playing around experiencing the wisdom, at times crossing over to limits (non wisdom). Once the limit is crossed, one has to correct and draw back into the limits. Simple rule of Life Journey. Make your life journey as simple as possible. Know that you are one to one with you. Eternally connected.
you shine within
all your movements are in silent moments
andin Oneness you are Resplendent Consciousness 
Mar 8, 2024
Wishing you all a Happy Womens Day:: Lots of Love n Hugs to one n all, keep sharing.
Mar 8, 2024
Consciousness ~ you are surrounded by ocean of Consciousness ~ you are that Consciousness.
Mar 31, 2024