
St. Germain asked us to SYNCHRONIZE our effort to consolidate the light grid. Find your partners and agree on daily meditations at a fixed time to increase the mighty POWER of the VIOLET FLAME in the 3rd dimension anchored through YOU!

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  • Nancy Mora

    Hello my beloved friends, it is a while since I have been with you! Today you showed up and I was so happy to be with you. I am rekindling with all of you and continuing getting inspired in the security of your love and wisdom. Love you all!

  • Tej


    written 10/10/2013
    By- Me MySelf I AM Journal)

    I am here now in the place of stillness . I invoke and dream awake my I AM Presence. I am complete within God's flame of eternal light. I rise and become all powerfull, all wisdom, with all love encircling my eternal Being. I prism my Diamond Self as I Am One with I AM THAT I Am.

    I AM the heartbeat throughout the cosmos. 
    I AM present throughout this universe. 
    I arise releasing all karmic ties to Mother Earth staying in grounded connection. 
    I arise and burn away all ties of past to be released from me now.

    Melt away the ties that bind my body. Melt away and be recycled within the Violet Flame. 
    I release all binding contracts from which I have agreed to. Violet Flame burn and vanish these contracts of which I have held. Now they are no more with me. All darkness has been banished. 

    This pure divine loving light remains for eternity. This is where I remain. It is here I breathe life, love, and light. It is here I stay and stand with my everlasting divine infinite blazing Diamond Fire.

    I invoke and call upon Higher Self,  Ascended Masters, All Archangels and the Legions of Heaven, Soul Family and Galactic Beings of Light. 

    I invoke and call upon all Beings of all worlds, galaxies, and universes.
    I invoke and call upon MotherFather God, Metatron, Prime Creator who creates the governs all things.

    I invoke and call upon all Cosmic Universal Wisdom with all my mind, body, and spirit of my Heart Soul. I open ALL That I AM to ALL THAT IS within and throughout this Eternal Ultimate Dimension. Bring to me the energies of Power, Wisdom, and Love. 

    This Divine Infinite Diamond Fire, which burns within the core of my immortal Diamond Heart, is eternal and without end. Expand in me and be forevermore.

    I ask to receive all light codes. To have the keys to unlock door portals to be open for me. 
    I open and connection to all earth elementals, crystals, minerals,  and metals. 
    I open in connection to human, animal, plant, and earth grids now to send and receive the electriomagnetic energies forming and transmitting throughout this entire web of consciousness.

    Divine Infinite Diamond Fire. 

  • Akintade jimmy

    I am happy to be here today I have been dreaming for the past few months but God Almighty protect me and my family in conquer the evils I pray that lights family should help me with the contact jobs I'm facing I'm almost true to have it