Have you read the information on the main page? If no, please do so after having read the next question ;-)
Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?
Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!
Hello All~
~ LOVE ~
I am AyAnna, love & light ever evolving. Through self discovery (awakening consciousness in this life)
I join the light workers in resonating highest light in this life~
For the growth of Humanity, evolution of our Earth, and resonating as much of our (SACRED) creator's light as possible, I am.
Infinite love & dedication to being Divine Love in this life, recognizing the sacred in others & all of existence~
Thank you for your presence & resonating with me, at an beautiful, inspirational level ~
That we are, is most beautiful...
& so it is...AMen
YouTube Channel:
Favorite Sacred Sciences
Sacred Geometry, cosmology and consciousness
About Me:
AyAnna~ (Ayanna K Franklin)
Am a Being of Light~ ~Honored and blessed to be here...@ this time, in this universe, on Earth and here, with you, at LightGrid ~
~(((Being/Living joyously, with Gratitude, for ALL of... Existence, is my Heart's Joy))) ~
A Mother, of a stellar and beautiful-souled, young lady ~ Ren~Maya
I Am: an ordained minister, have degree in nursing, mother, writer, empath/intuitive Energy and Natural Healer, certified Soul Therapist (via Dawn Clark: http://dawnclark.net), spiritual medium, LightGrid Administrator and all around general Light Worker.
~Being of Love and JOY ~(my favorite)
~Thank you, GOD, that I, AyAnna, AM~That WE ARE~Love
Astrological Sign
Favorite Books:
"Gifts of the Soul", Dawn Clark~
"Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are" by BoB Frissell
'What Is the What', by Dave Eggers
'Welcome Home', by Steve Rother and the Group
'Home with God', by Neale D. Walsch
'Say I Am You' by J Rumi
Our Greatest Fear {from~"A Return To Love"} —Marianne Williamson
it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
—Marianne Williamson
Fav Song Lyrics:
"And In Time, We Will All Be Stars..."
I sing the body electric
I celebrate the me and to come
I toast to my own reunion
When I become one with the Sun
And I'll look back on Venus
I'll look back on Mars
And I'll burn with the fire of ten million stars
And in time
And in time
We will all be stars
I sing the body electric
I glory in the glow of Rebirth
Creating my own tomorrow
When I shall embody the Earth
And I'll serenade Venus
I'll serenade Mars
And I'll burn with the fire of ten million stars
And in time
And in time
We will all be stars
We are the emperors now
We are the czars
And in time
And in time
~ We Will All Be Stars ~
By Wade Lassister
We have a no spam policy!, Do you agree to follow?
Fairly new to the site have posted 2 blogs on healing remedies that work if you wish it may be better to post somewhere where the needed can course the information please feel free to link or re post the blogs here.
Dearest AyAnna-Admin, I`m truly greatful for your warm wellcome, AN`ANASHA dear sister-in the Light, Yes, this mission is important for me at this moment in time..I AM playing with quite a few potentials simultaniously, yet this one is dear to my heart..throughout this "incarnation" I have experienced many miracles and I wish to aid others of our kind, so that their awakening can be filled with joy and wonder,too, instead of the fear and misunderstandings that limiting beliefs spawn.Still I know,there are a lot of realities, which I yet,to learn of and expand into,therefor I wellcome ALL xxMia
hi, i don't have real notion of physique , but when i watch conference of metaphysique rogue 2003, he explane everything i though and couldn' do by myself.
sorry for my bad english, i use to speak french. im really happy find poeple to talk about
Thank You AyAnna! I know we are with each other!Feeling really bad...huge bruising on the leg especially on the hamstring. Doc appt. tomorrow!I love the picture in the comment you left me-so beautiful!
I am so honored to be here..AyAnnA is a beautiful name too....I would love to share my music......It would be a pleasure....Some of it has been very very uplifting other times it is a way of venting but it always turns out quite beautiful.....I do not sell my music....I am on social security my only source of secure income and they would if they found out take away my source of income ...so I post it wholeheartedly at soundclick.....Over the years Ive accumulated quite alot of music.....Ive collaborated with some wonderful musicians too at soundclick....My music is mostly dedicated to Beloved Earth.... I seem to personify with Nature and Cosmos.....it comes through my music....I have written much channeled music dedicated to the Masters...the Angels and the Faery Folk....I just enjoy the whole mystical wonder of it all....in all shades of the music spectrum the dissonant the harmony....Its all beautiful to my soul......I had a bit of trouble getting my background pic onto my page... or are we allowed to have a background although this one is quite stunning......THank you again for your wonderful hosting of this site...Its gorgeous...I was so drawn.....Blessings to you my new friend....Faunaserene
Ayanna, thank God for you....As I read your page...YOU are such a radiant being....May blessings shine upon you every step of your path.....and they do....WIth much love and light I send this your way...I felt you needed to be lifted.....I saw that you read so much material I am very familiar with and I just want to tell you it makes me smile when I see so much heart and soul pouring off a page..BLessings to you AyAnnA I see you teach only love because that is what you are......A COURSE IN MIRACLES......THat is so beautiful to me...Have a wonderful day:) ~*Faunaserene
THANK YOU so much for the well wishes :-) Yes, my 40th birthday, lol!
I'm glad that you have come out the other end of this period filled with LOVE and JOY for life :-) I know what it is like. I received a beautiful mail today with a presentation on butterflies - and that you cannot help them get out of their cocoon without destroying their life as butterflies - because they need to fight their way out fo the cocoon so the wings will enfold properly .... what a lesson!!!
And soooo suiting! It's in German, so it does not make much sense to send it to you - but here is a picture - just for you :-)
Thank you my Beloved sister AyAnna....my birthday cake p.s. Five Day Visit by Angels...again found a path to me :)))) Welcome once again to my 40 birthday ....I feel it as a great blessing...Love you
Welkom Dear Sistar and warmest welkom on my new page ~Why are going to rock our soul this mond why are gone learn how to fly ~Why Must and why will Thank you for bieng my light Friend
"It is possible that the next Buddha/Christ will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community—a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living.
This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the Earth."
Huge Squishy Hugs :-) Thank you for all the Beautiful picture posts they even set off my heart chakra to flowing. I so *feel* you, you are *truly* a Beautiful Loving soul..
william abbott
Fairly new to the site have posted 2 blogs on healing remedies that work if you wish it may be better to post somewhere where the needed can course the information please feel free to link or re post the blogs here.
Thanks William
Jul 19, 2012
Patricia L. Bergstresser
Thank you Ay Anna hope to enjoy the future moments with everyone in creating a unified healing field of light, Blessings, Pat
Aug 4, 2012
Mia Jakab Stoki AENKHIEL
Dearest AyAnna-Admin, I`m truly greatful for your warm wellcome, AN`ANASHA dear sister-in the Light, Yes, this mission is important for me at this moment in time..I AM playing with quite a few potentials simultaniously, yet this one is dear to my heart..throughout this "incarnation" I have experienced many miracles and I wish to aid others of our kind, so that their awakening can be filled with joy and wonder,too, instead of the fear and misunderstandings that limiting beliefs spawn.Still I know,there are a lot of realities, which I yet,to learn of and expand into,therefor I wellcome ALL xxMia
Aug 8, 2012
Aug 18, 2012
marie-claude gouin
hi, i don't have real notion of physique , but when i watch conference of metaphysique rogue 2003, he explane everything i though and couldn' do by myself.
sorry for my bad english, i use to speak french. im really happy find poeple to talk about
Sep 1, 2012
Gary WalkNCrow Cooke
:)) Blessings of Peace, Love and Light. It is my Honor to be Your Friend. Such a Magical time to be Living :))
Sep 1, 2012
Sep 4, 2012
Thank You AyAnna! I know we are with each other!Feeling really bad...huge bruising on the leg especially on the hamstring. Doc appt. tomorrow!I love the picture in the comment you left me-so beautiful!
Love You Sister!
Sep 4, 2012
Em Luz, Amor e Serviço!!! FLORॐDEॐ LIS®
Sep 10, 2012
Sep 12, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Dearest AyAnna - for you:
Sonja MYriel
Oct 12, 2012
Melissa Read
Dec 5, 2012
Sylvia Eivers
Sending thanks, gratitude, love and blessings to all.
Dec 8, 2012
June Lawrance
Namaste.... and I thank you.
Dec 13, 2012
Dec 13, 2012
Mitzi Schwien
Thank you for your loving friendship AyAnnA. Much Love and Many, Many Blessings to you. Mitzi :-)
Dec 20, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Lovely Water Angel :-)))
Dec 25, 2012
Pranam ~ Thank you ~
L I G H T ~ L I G H T ~ L I G H T.
I am formless
transforming form
relate to everything
from eons
Reflect the Light
spread The Love
from one realm
to all realms.
Present everywhere
yet nowhere
Am everything
yet nothing.
Dec 27, 2012
Faunaserene Windsongchantress
Hello...BLessings to you AyAnnA~Faunaserene
Jan 9, 2013
Faunaserene Windsongchantress
I am so honored to be here..AyAnnA is a beautiful name too....I would love to share my music......It would be a pleasure....Some of it has been very very uplifting other times it is a way of venting but it always turns out quite beautiful.....I do not sell my music....I am on social security my only source of secure income and they would if they found out take away my source of income ...so I post it wholeheartedly at soundclick.....Over the years Ive accumulated quite alot of music.....Ive collaborated with some wonderful musicians too at soundclick....My music is mostly dedicated to Beloved Earth.... I seem to personify with Nature and Cosmos.....it comes through my music....I have written much channeled music dedicated to the Masters...the Angels and the Faery Folk....I just enjoy the whole mystical wonder of it all....in all shades of the music spectrum the dissonant the harmony....Its all beautiful to my soul......I had a bit of trouble getting my background pic onto my page... or are we allowed to have a background although this one is quite stunning......THank you again for your wonderful hosting of this site...Its gorgeous...I was so drawn.....Blessings to you my new friend....Faunaserene
Jan 9, 2013
Jan 10, 2013
Maria Celeste Garcia
Jan 17, 2013
Louise de Jong
Thanks for your welcome Sonya. My reaction is a bit late, but better late then never, I guess. :-)
I may attent connecting in the Lightgrid in the future, but for now I don't feel ready for it.
Jan 21, 2013
Faunaserene Windsongchantress
Ayanna, thank God for you....As I read your page...YOU are such a radiant being....May blessings shine upon you every step of your path.....and they do....WIth much love and light I send this your way...I felt you needed to be lifted.....I saw that you read so much material I am very familiar with and I just want to tell you it makes me smile when I see so much heart and soul pouring off a page..BLessings to you AyAnnA I see you teach only love because that is what you are......A COURSE IN MIRACLES......THat is so beautiful to me...Have a wonderful day:) ~*Faunaserene
Jan 21, 2013
KEN of holyness
your welcome glad you enjoyed it. have a blessed day.
Feb 3, 2013
Myriel RAouine
Feb 6, 2013
Hello Dear Ayanna,
Thank you for your kindness and healing energy. Much appreciated! I am slowly starting to feel better.
Hope to be back in action here soon.
In Gratitude,
Apr 6, 2013
Myriel RAouine
Dearest AyAnna,
THANK YOU so much for the well wishes :-) Yes, my 40th birthday, lol!
I'm glad that you have come out the other end of this period filled with LOVE and JOY for life :-) I know what it is like. I received a beautiful mail today with a presentation on butterflies - and that you cannot help them get out of their cocoon without destroying their life as butterflies - because they need to fight their way out fo the cocoon so the wings will enfold properly .... what a lesson!!!
And soooo suiting! It's in German, so it does not make much sense to send it to you - but here is a picture - just for you :-)
Sonja MYriel
Apr 9, 2013
Thank you my Beloved sister AyAnna....my birthday cake
p.s. Five Day Visit by Angels...again found a path to me :)))) Welcome once again to my 40 birthday ....I feel it as a great blessing...
Love you
Apr 29, 2013
Apr 29, 2013
Apr 30, 2013
my beloved sister Ayanna...I photographed this flower when I was in the nature:))
May 2, 2013
Nanci Cunha
Thank you so much, i hope soon will be others from Brazil in here on the site, lots of love to you <3
May 8, 2013
Amora Angel
Thank you for the warm welcome ^.^
May 21, 2013
May 24, 2013
Happy Birthday Sister!
We love You!
Jun 19, 2013
Welkom Dear Sistar and warmest welkom on my new page ~Why are going to rock our soul this mond why are gone learn how to fly ~Why Must and why will Thank you for bieng my light Friend
God bless .·´¨`·.
Jul 4, 2013
"It is possible that the next Buddha/Christ will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community—a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living.
This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the Earth."
Aug 28, 2013
Myriel RAouine
Indeed, through all of us :-)
Sep 3, 2013
Hello my dear AyAnna ,
Heartfelt thanks for your lovely welcome ... I honour the loving kindness , time , and energy you took in making me welcome .
Love to you in abundance in every way and in every second of each and every day .
Geoff .
Sep 6, 2013
Mitzi Schwien
Huge Squishy Hugs :-) Thank you for all the Beautiful picture posts they even set off my heart chakra to flowing. I so *feel* you, you are *truly* a Beautiful Loving soul..
Nov 26, 2013
Myriel RAouine
Jan 4, 2014
Myriel RAouine
NOW and ALWAYS in ALL Ways!
Jan 5, 2014
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla
Dear AyAnnA,
You should not give thanks to me....
I am ashamed that I can not attend here regularly....
Love, Light & Blessings....for what you are doing here...!!
Mar 11, 2014
Jun 1, 2014
Myriel RAouine
Dearest AyAnna,
May you find PEACE, ABUNDANCE and JOY on your path of unlearning!
We are always here for you!
Please remember, when you need me,
just call me!
All my LOVE,
Sonja Myriel
Jun 28, 2014
Myriel RAouine
Jul 2, 2014
Myriel RAouine
Male and Female UNITY
This is the return to where we came from ...
If we only ALLOW it to BE so :-)
THANK YOU for expressing this unique truth so eloquently, dearest siSTAR!
Sonja Myriel
Jul 6, 2014
Myriel RAouine
Jul 9, 2014
Apollo Solaris
Aug 15, 2014