lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
A Time Of Change & Action By Emmanuel Dagher
It’s a blessing for me to connect with you in this way. We have a lot to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!
We’ve been moving through some deep emotional healing in recent months, and the July & August energies will serve as a turning of the page.
This will help us move beyond much of the heaviness many have been feeling and processing, within themselves and in the outer world.
We may already be feeling the internal changes happening, which include a renewed sense of vigor and a desire to be more proactive.
Like the seasons, energy goes through different cycles. Sometimes the energy is in a dormant cycle, and at other times, it’s in an active cycle.
We have just entered another highly active energy cycle that will help us, individually and as a collective, to transform a great deal of the density we have been moving through, allowing for more light, ease, and grace to flow through our experience.
A Season of Change and Action
As we move through the month of July & August, the energies will pick up again.
An active energy cycle often manifests itself in our personal lives in ways such as:
If any of these examples resonate with you, now is an excellent time to align with them.
An active energy cycle often manifests on the world stage in ways that include:
Although some of these things can seem a bit overwhelming, they are all confirmations that the world is adjusting to a higher frequency.
Because change isn’t something the world is always comfortable with, a bit of resistance is a good indicator that big breakthroughs are on the near horizon.
Video Link: Awakening To Oneness 2 - Day 4
Knowing Which Type of Action to Choose
As we navigate through this highly active season, it’s important to get clear on the kind of action we are choosing to experience.
There are two kinds of action: inspired, and forced.
When we try to take forced action, we usually come up against a great deal of inner and outer resistance.
Making or forcing something to happen often requires that we spend lots of time and energy on something that may not be natural to us. It often feels hard and requires a great deal of outer control.
Many of us were taught while growing up that making or forcing something to happen is what brings it to us. We were taught that if we were assertive about making our dreams a reality, we would be rewarded with positive results.
We were told that the harder we worked, the more things we could acquire to make us happy.
Even though this method may work temporarily, most of the time it comes with a hefty price, like the disruption of our well-being.
When we operate from a space of always trying to make or force something to happen, that usually puts a great deal of pressure and stress on our emotional and mental bodies.
Over time, this shows up as an imbalance in our emotional, mental, or physical body.
But there is a kind of action that doesn’t require us to push so hard, and that is inspired action.
When we take inspired action, we do so from a place of awareness, ease, and grace.
We become so present to the opportunities and blessings the Universe is offering us, that we easily step into them from a place of gratitude. There’s no force, control, or pressure needed.
With inspired action comes the realization that the Universe/our Spirit is taking care of us fully.
Realizing on a deep level the truth of that, we no longer need to oversee or control every specific detail in our lives. We move out of any survival or victim patterns.
Taking inspired action is not to be confused with sitting around and waiting for life to make things happen for us.
However, tasking inspired action does mean that we are intentionally choosing to be present and open to the opportunities that come our way.
The Universe/our Spirit is constantly gifting us with new opportunities and blessings that will help us create the kind of life we truly desire.
However, when we are focused on the future or dwelling on the past, which most people have been taught to do, we tend to miss what’s being presented to us in the present moment.
It’s in the present moment that we are the most effective, deliberate creator of our lives.
Because of the concentration of highly active energies right now, it has become very challenging and almost uncomfortable for us to procrastinate—to resist being active.
Even if it’s as simple as going for a walk outside or moving our body through dance or any kind of aerobic exercise, these inspired actions will serve us greatly during this time.
Ascending From Fear to Love
When we move through a highly active energy cycle, a great deal of movement and change occurs.
When this happens, a lot of unprocessed fear tends to come to the surface for us to look at, address, and heal.
When fear comes up as result of change, our mind tries to do everything it can to distract itself, simply because we have not been taught to embrace and honor the feelings we have associated with the actual fear.
Often, the mind even convinces itself that its identity will be lost if it does not fight back or resist whatever it is fearing.
We are seeing this collective resistance at its peak right now, which is clear confirmation that enormous breakthroughs are coming through.
Those on a mindful path have accustomed their minds to working harmoniously with their hearts. They can readily embrace change and honor the fear associated with it in a gentler way.
While moving through a highly active energy cycle, it can be very easy to get caught up in the fear tactics the collective mind is conditioned to buy into.
It often even affects those who have been on a spiritual and mindful path—they can also get caught up in the illusion of duality (good vs. bad, us vs. them.)
If you find yourself getting upset or emotionally charged in any way, be gentle with yourself, and know it’s OK to be human!
Give yourself permission to move through the emotions you are experiencing, and once they become calmer, and not as charged . . . saturate them with Love and acceptance.
This will allow you to move forward with more ease, and to return to your natural loving state.
Also take comfort in knowing that there’s much light and kindness in the world, even amidst the turbulence. It’s not something that is center stage in the mainstream dialogue right now, but one day it will be.
Transcending the Role of the Victim
Right now, we are being presented with an extraordinary opportunity to retire the victim archetypes that we and our ancestors have identified with for millennia.
It’s important to take a moment to honor these archetypes for serving to keep us safe and protected in a world based on survival.
However, we now know that a world based purely on survival is a world that is no longer in alignment with who we are at our core: a Divine Love Being.
As Divine Love Beings, we are here to thrive our way into Love with ourselves and the world around us. This Divine part of ourselves has always known that we are constantly safe and protected, even when our survival-based mind thought otherwise
So now, as we thank the victim archetypes that served us up to this point, we can let them go with joy, and welcome in our Authentic Selves.
The path to transcending the role of the victim has several important components:
The first component of releasing victim consciousness is to accept every person, experience, and thing in whatever form they show up in our lives, without trying to change them.
By accepting these things, we are not necessarily affirming that we resonate or agree with them.
Video Link: Divine Mother Returns: Planetary Ascension & Healing Love
We are giving ourselves permission to not allow them to define who we really are. Through acceptance, we also release the need to dwell on the past, and what might have been.
The second component of releasing victim consciousness is to let go of blame.
Blame comes from a need to make something or someone right or wrong, or good or bad, and somehow responsible for what we have experienced.
In truth, we are the Creator of our experience.
When we operate from our Highest Selves, and acknowledge ourselves as Creator, we transcend these judgments.
By moving into the viewpoint of our Highest Selves, we navigate our way forward by noting what feels to be in alignment for us and what doesn’t.
Can you feel how this insight alone already feels lighter?
Whereas, by blaming, we keep ourselves held in a time and place that hinders us from evolving and reconnecting with our Highest, most Divine Self.
The third component of releasing victim consciousness is to take full responsibility for our lives and well-being.
Sometimes the victim mindset goes into resistance when it hears that we are responsible for our lives and well-being.
This is because for so long, it took comfort in separating itself, buying into the illusion that whatever we need has to come from outside ourselves. It’s absolutely normal when this happens.
Yet by taking responsibility for our lives and well-being, we are able to move out of victim consciousness and into Creator consciousness.
It is by living within our Creator consciousness that we are able to move mountains.
It is from there that we are able to manifest from the most authentic and powerful aspect of ourselves.
By integrating these three components into our lives, we are sure to support our transition out of victim consciousness and into Creator consciousness far more smoothly.
Video Link: How To Live Without Fear -
Reclaiming Our Power
The greatest power in the world is LOVE. When we embody Love, we are the most powerful being in the Universe.
Contrary to what we may have been taught, being loving does not mean that we are weak pushovers, or that we look the other way when times get tough.
Real Love does not hurt, feel difficult, or have us giving away or hiding some part of ourselves. These are mental constructs that simply distract us from real Love.
Real Love is the constant that flows throughout all of life. When we choose to be Love, we have the whole Universe behind us, flowing in the same direction.
Because of societal conditioning, many of us have been hesitant to reclaim our power, because we associate it with being corrupt or controlling.
That kind of false or egoistic power moves in the opposite direction of Love. It likes to separate itself from the whole. Although that kind of power can appear quite real and convincing at times, the truth is, it’s not.
Egoic power is fleeting and will always at some point self-destruct in its attempt to push against the natural flow of Love and life.
Egoic power thrives on the energy of fear, because it’s the only thing convincing enough to move a person out of their true Divine power.
Of course, this forgetful period is temporary, but we’ve got to hand it to the energy of egoistic power for putting up a great show, trying to make itself last as long as possible.
Life is always here for us, and never against us. We can take comfort in knowing that by choosing not to buy into fear, we have every ounce of the Universe supporting us.
Anything that tries to convince us otherwise, such as an idea that we are some small, helpless human being, or are lacking in some way, is just a fleeting illusion.
By surrendering to Love, we empower ourselves and those around us to such a degree that we can transform even the most egoic of powers into Love.
Elevating Our Consciousness Through Unity
Starting Friday, July 26 through Sunday, August 11, 2024, a unifying global energy field known as the Summer Olympic Games will occur.
The Olympics were originally created with the intention of promoting comraderie, good sportsmanship, and excellence.
Over the years, the energies have evolved to create a global unity grid, bringing the world together and upgrading the collective consciousness in a peaceful way, to show that through teamwork, dedicated practice, and camaraderie, anything is possible.
During this time, countries around the world will be putting aside their differences and walking together side as One global family, especially during the opening ceremony.
This is important and noteworthy, because it always creates a major boost to the evolving consciousness of humanity.
During the Olympic games, hundreds of millions of people around the world will be watching.
This unified field helps to soften our hearts, as we put down our armor, to receive and anchor greater amounts of Light within ourselves and for the world as we move forward.
Until next time,
With gratitude,
©2009 – 2024 Emmanuel Dagher.
You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the name of the author and the source website link. Thank you.
Video Link: Another Powerful Opportunity -
Hi! I'm only liking this blog based on the title I agree with.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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Posted by Steve Hutchinson on June 23, 2024 at 6:00am 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on April 25, 2024 at 2:30am 1 Comment 1 Like
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