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Healing the Emptiness Within By Natalie Glasson ... And ... Listening For Love By Jamye Price ... And ... Chakra Alignment, Clearing, & Expansion

Healing the Emptiness Within by the Pleiadian Consciousness

Channelled through Natalie Glasson  17th March 2017 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

We, the Pleiadians Consciousness, come forth in love and truth to greet you. We bring forth the energy and light of our civilisation to support you in your period of ascension. As a being upon the Earth, you are not alone, your consciousness is connected to all aspects of the Creator, and all aspects of the Creator are connected with you. This is an aspect of ascension which is dawning now; there is a duality within your ascension which requires to be dissolved so that truth may manifest for you to experience. Often as human beings, you can feel alone and separate from others and even the Creator, this can cause tremendous pain and suffering which manifests into your physical reality and experiences. This is simply a result of a lack of consciously realising and acknowledging your eternal connection with the Creator. In order to dissolve experiences of loneliness and separation, there is a need to accept an aspect of ascension which appears to be two contrasting ideas.

Connecting Within

To support your ascension and deepening connection with the Creator there is a need to connect with the energies within your being. To observe your emotions, thoughts and actions recognising whether they are aligned with the energy of the Creator or not. It is to realise whether your thoughts, feelings and actions lead you to the Creator or away. It is also essential to connect with the energy of the Creator within you. The Creator can be recognised in numerous ways such as love, peace, joy, bliss and synchronicity. When you allow yourself to realise, recognise and merge with these sacred energies within you, you allow yourself to exist in harmony with the Creator. Experiences of sacred energy overflowing from your heart chakra and radiating from your being can be the result of aligning yourself with the Creator within.

The process of recognising the Creator within your being can appear to be a lonely experience. Often a connection and deep realisation of the Creator can take time, patience and meditation, with your focus inward rather than outward. In times when the Creator feels distant and not present with you, there can be experiences of tremendous loneliness as you are aware of the chattering of your mind, areas which require to be healed, uncertain feelings and an emptiness which seems unexplainable. The support of another person sending healing or visualising your desired outcome on your behalf can assist you with your inner connection. However, there is a need for you to move through and release your wounds of separation as well as your illusions of disconnection with the Creator to create space within your being for the truth to unfold. Essentially experiencing loneliness, separation, uncertainty and emptiness within your being can be a healing and cleansing process that allows you to create a clear and pure connection with the Creator.

Whether you are in the process of discovering your inner connection with the Creator or are currently experiencing and exploring your inner connection with the Creator, you may find yourself turning inward, disconnecting from the outside world and feeling as if you wish for time to yourself. Please recognise that this is also a part of your ascension process, it requires your acceptance as well as your observation, as this natural period of your ascension can become a habit which links itself to fear of the outside world. Some people are both fearful of their outside world and their inner world which causes them to experience tremendous isolation from the Creator. The person they are hiding from is themselves. In these cases, acceptance of self is a powerful healing balm.

Connecting Beyond Yourself

When you become accustomed to connecting with the presence of the Creator within you, this becomes a fulfilling experience which creates numerous opportunities of further connection with the Creator within your being and reality. The experience becomes delightful and inspirational, encouraging you to feel as if you are discovering who you really are and your inner truth. This is when you are invited to experience the opposing experience of connecting within. The duality of your ascension we are speaking about is that you are encouraged to both connect within your being while also be connected to all aspects of the Creator, meaning everything that is within and outside of you. This can seem impossible, like two opposing experiences and states of being.

Interestingly, experiencing your connection with the Creator within your being; leads you to experience your connection with all aspects of the Creator, within and outside of you. It is as if you move from one extreme to the other. You move through loneliness, despair and separation to discover connection, fulfilment, love and truth within your being. This leads you to exist within, harmonising with and experiencing the fulfilment of the Creator as a natural part of your being. It can also be described as being in the flow, expressing the Creator and even enlightenment, although true enlightenment forms when you realise your eternal connection to every being on the Earth and the inner planes. Harmonised with the Creator you then begin to explore the presence and existence of the Creator beyond yourself.

In the past, you may have felt completely separate from others, however, with your strong inner bond with the Creator all barriers, boundaries, limitations and illusions begin to fall away. This is when you realise that the time spent experiencing the Creator within you was immensely valuable as you became familiar with and able to recognise your own energy, which is enormously appreciated when you discover that you can merge with all aspects of the Creator. With the ascension experience of connecting with all aspects of the Creator, it is as if your boundaries become blurry, no longer is your physical body seen as a separating aspect of yourself, no longer do people feel like strangers, no longer are you confused by the actions of others, and the direction the world is evolving into. A deep-seated sense of connection manifests which we feel can be better explained as a deep-seated knowingness within your being and familiarity with everything around you. You realise that everything is a part of you because you are a part of the Creator.

Healing the Emptiness Within by the Pleiadian Consciousness

A Common Mistake

A common mistake comes from the ego connected to belongings and control. When you recognise that you are connected to all aspects of the Creator a sense of entailment can manifest, meaning that you may feel you have control over others, that they belong to you and frustration can arise when others do not act or react in the way you believe is appropriate. This is when the energy of separation can appear. Even though you are connected to all beings and aspects of the Creator, holding a deep knowingness, your purpose is not to guide, control, be frustrated or alienate others or yourself. In fact, acceptance becomes the key. Realising that your connection with all aspects of the Creator is to support you and your experiences upon the Earth rather than to monitor, lead or control others. Enjoying the experience of connection with all aspects of the Creator while observing the transitions within your being allows you to access beautiful states of enlightenment.

The Joy of Connecting Beyond Yourself

The greatest joy that manifests is that through your deep connection with, familiarity and knowingness of all that is the Creator you begin to enjoy communicating, relating and connecting with other aspects of the Creator on the Earth or the inner planes. Each connection, whether simply a smile, eye contact or just existing silently in the presence of another becomes a profoundly enlightening and fulfilling experience.

Observing a tree, animal, the sky or any aspect of the Earth becomes a deeply enlightening process because you are aware of your essence merging, dancing and synthesising with numerous aspects of the Creator. You are always aware of who you are, and yet each connection allows you to discover more of your truth and empower your essence. You will find yourself actively seeking to connect with and observe all aspects of the Earth and the inner planes because you simply wish to play with, explore and know the Creator more fully. When we compare this with the process of connecting within to experience the Creator, we recognise that it is a complete turnaround, which you actively seek to observe the Creator in all. It is as if two aspects of duality become one and you create a circle in your spiritual evolution which continues to expand.

You will discover the Creator in your outside world if you first accept the Creator in your inside world.

We, the Pleiades, wished to share our insight with you so you can observe this duality that arises in ascension, realising that there is a pathway for you to uncover which will lead you to your ultimate fulfilment and experience of life. The pathway we describe to you is the pathway of your enlightenment which will alter and shift the world around you, allowing you to be of service through this process, often without realising. Your natural existence is to be connected to all aspects of the Creator; this is the fulfilment you seek, it is the healing balm to the emptiness within you.


With love and peace,

The Pleiadian Consciousness

Free audio download of the message:

Read More from the Pleiadies


Video: "Equinox Angel Card Reading~ Weekly Angel Messages for March 16-23 2017!"

Listening for Love

Listening for Love By Jamye Price

As you evolve into a being that is consciously connected with the subtle realms, it is important to embody that within your human experience. You are working to establish a strong inner connection, your inner stillness. From that strong inner connection, you interact with the world around you in a different way—through empowered Love. 

Discovering your inner stillness creates a connection point. With practice, you notice an increase in your intuition, your understanding, and your creative flow with life. While this inner connection increases your ability to interact with the subtle realms, most importantly, it changes your human interactions. That is how you create change in your physical realm. 

As you interact with others, the way to practice that stillness with interaction is to listen. Listen. Listening is the still point between human connections. It is where you genuinely receive the energy of another.

For some, the energy of listening has become confused with obedience, or lack of choice. Unconscious patterns of disconnection in communication have been created in order to maintain a sense of power. 

Listening is for those that feel safe enough to expand. Sometimes expansion means giving up something that felt familiar and safe. Listening is for your personal, internal expansion. It is not a mechanism of agreement, it is a mechanism of connection. 

How often do you speak and yet not feel heard? Many times in conversation, one may not be speaking in the moment, yet they are not truly listening either. They are preparing a rebuttal, relating information to the self, or thinking about something different altogether.

When you listen deeply, you will hear much more than the words that are said or even the body language. You will begin to hear the Love—the essence of another being wanting to come forth into the world.

Currently, many people interact from fear or wanting fulfillment that they do not know how to fulfill within. Consequently, there is a push and a pull from them that can become painful, tiring, annoying or frustrating. It tests your inner strength not to be pushed or pulled by the outside world.

But for one that listens, that Love is expressed. It is silent. It may or may not look pleasant in the moment, but it is Love expressing. It is Love calling forth to be strengthened within. Your inner connection is a connection into the infinite self. That is the infinite well-spring of Love that creates, and it is within you.

As you nurture your inner strength through stillness, the push and pull of another does not push or pull you off balance. It meets the soft flow of your emotion. It is the difference between putting your hand into a wall, or putting your hand into water. As you listen and interact with an inner strength of stillness, you are flexible like the water and not shocked by the force, the push/pull, of another.

Listening is Connection by Areon the Lyran Council of Time

When another human meets your inner strength of Love, they are interacting with a being who feels nurturing and replenishing. You are just flowing along like water—responsive to Life, but not imbalanced by others. That is the difference of empowered Love.

Inner Stillness Shapes the Outer World

You will discover that as you observe things going on around you, you will be hearing into the fears that push and pull humanity. You will be holding your safe shores. That responsive sand that allows the flow to occur.

You will recognize that your awareness has more of a stabilizing energy flow to it. Things will begin to shape around you in ways that may not be obvious to another, but because of that internal strength and that connection that you now have with your infinite self, you will see the patterns forming. You are listening to Life.

You will recognize that though you have not tried to control someone into a pleasing behavior, they begin to become it. You will begin to see clues of your focus coming to fruition. As you observe the biggest challenges that humanity is experiencing now, you will also, if you look and listen closely, be able to find its opposite, its solution.

Your inner strength is beginning to affect the world more directly, though this is invisible at first. It is not all on your shoulders, it is for each to create. Yet it is natural to humanity, for you are truly connected. 

Listening Creates a Flow of Love

This time right now is offering you such support as you change. That is what these times are, wonderful exercise as you work your inner stillness into more strength. Listening connects your inner strength of Love to the outside world. 

As you strengthen within and control your inner realm, it will not feel as if it is controlled, it will feel as if your Love is unleashed.

That is how you recognize your inner strength. Not because everything is perfect, but because everything feels invigorating, even in challenge. That is your creative movement at play. Play. That helps you enjoy this process and keep your movement flowing.

As you play with these waves of Life, you find the flow of these waves moving you along. Instead of feeling pushed or pulled, you feel incredible movement, knowing the soft sands of safe shores are available to you. It is just a little beneath the wave that you are riding at the moment.

These are exciting times, and your drive of creativity and connection is part of what is helping you to begin to shape your inner world more. Life is eager to respond to your creativity. Connect with it. Listen to it. Find your still point of connection within. Life will meet you there.

Jamye Price

Jamye Price

Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience. She also channels Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, with information focused on the mental and emotional balance of Ascension. Jamye’s work is practical and profound; she mixes highly esoteric subjects into applicable usage for empowered living.
Video: "Let's Experience Divine Happiness & Freedom" -

Chakra Alignment, Chakra Alignment, Clearing, & Expansion

With this alignment, each chakra will come into balance and alignment through your prayer. You will also invoke the presence of the spiritual principle that resonates in that chakra
and breathe it into your being. With this Alignment exercise, you are
grounding Divine Light into the Earth through your body, and thus
becoming a Bridge from Heaven to Earth.

The Practice
To begin: Raising the arms above your head, you are inviting the Presence
of Divine Light into your being.
I call on the Light from the Highest Source there is. I ask that Divine Light
(the Light of God) flow through me now in a Pillar of Golden Light. I invite
my Higher Self, the Archangels, Masters and those beings of Light and
Wisdom who work with me to guide me to my Highest Good.

Alignment Exercise
Bridging Heaven and Earth

I ask that every cell of my being be filled with Divine Light. I ask to bring
alignment with this Light through my being, and anchor it on to the earth
so I might be a bridge from Heaven to Earth, and bring more Light into the

Bring palms to the forehead in a prayer position.
You can say:
May my mind be illuminated by the Divine Light of Clarity and Wisdom.
Take a moment to fill and surround yourself with the Light Field of Clarity
or Wisdom. Breathe these frequencies into your being.

With palms together, bring them to your throat:
May all my words be blessed with the Light of Compassion and Truth.
Take a moment to fill and surround yourself with the Light of Compassion
or Truth. Breathe it into your being.

Place your hands on your chest where the thymus is. This stimulates the
energy in your high heart which is just above your heart chakra. Tap your
fingers on your thymus gently 21 times to strengthen your immune system.
May I be radiantly healthy and strong.
Take a moment to fill your High Heart with the golden Light of the Christ
energy. Breathe it into your being.

Place the palms of your hands on your heart, breathe in the warmth:
May my heart be illuminated by Divine Love, and radiate out to bless the
Take a moment to receive Divine Love into your heart. Breathe it into your
being. Allow it to radiate into and through your energy field.

Place your hands on your solar plexus, imagine golden light filling you like a
May I be strong and courageous, one with God’s will for my life.
Take a moment to fill your solar plexus with the light of Courage and let
your energy field fill with the light of the golden sun. Breathe it into your

Place your hands below your navel on your second chakra:
May I be in Union with the masculine and feminine aspects of my being
and filled with Creative Solutions in all areas of my life.
Create a powerful field within this energy center that unites the masculine &
feminine aspects of you. You can also imagine yourself filled with the Light
of Creativity. Let this energy fill and surround you. Breathe it into your

Grounding: imagine a beam of golden light dropping
like a stone from the base of your spine to the center of the earth.

May I be grounded in Harmony and Wellbeing through this sacred
connection to the Earth.

Imagine being filled and surrounded with the Light Field of Well-being.
Breathe it into the base of your spine. Then allow the empowered presence
of nurturing vitality from the Earth to flow into you through your feet or the
base of your spine. Let it move up your spine to your heart.

Sit for a moment and feel the Light of Divine Presence course through your

You have now created a powerful alignment with very high frequencies of
energy through the core of your being. It is a good time to sit and do your
breathing exercises, meditate and set your intentions for the day.
May all of humanity be blessed by your practice of Alignment with the

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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Posted by allayah frisch on October 17, 2023 at 5:33pm 0 Comments

It is a special time in the collective humanity evolution. Our sight is being cleared and we are as a whole returning to our connection to the planet. We are becoming childlike as we transition to the new dimension.…



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